hey kids
Just wanted to share with the peanut gallery something that happened to me the last 48 hours. For some reason I was made the god damn commissioner of my 12 team fantasy football league (god knows how I got rooked into that shit) so with the Kung Flu running rampant we all in the league basically sat on our collective asses thinking that the NFL season would be a no go due to kung flu. There are multiple owners for some of the teams to spread the cost of the teams (not everyone in the league is a degenerate gambler).
So like Monday, 3 of the owners gave me a kick in the ass like that Private when Patton reports to the Kasserine Pass in the film Patton and say hey man get the league going. So I do, I had sent an email out and pay the league fee. Today was my coming to jesus in or out date, due to the fact we are wed draft for opening day thursday.
Of the 12 teams, we lost 5 franchises, which is like 9 dudes, mostly retired guys, guys who have been sports fans for most of there lives. I received all sorts of posts about the woke tax they were putting on sports. These dudes are pissed off, you know quitting a fantasy football franchise aint marching with MLK, but these guys are quitting sports, voting with their dollar and leisure time, saying fuck them, now alot of these owners have kids who are in law enforcement and the criminal justice system or first responders, so the results are most likely skewed. However, the NBAs ratings are tanking like nobodys business. These guys have large amounts of disposable income, they are the target demo, these old guys have money to piss away on golf, summer homes, boats, etc. They can afford NFL tickets if they want them, they can afford MLB or NBA tickets if they want them.
I was able to replace the teams (which isnt the point of this screed) but I gotta ask myself what the dip is going to be, now the TV hit may not be as bad as the TV hit the NBA is taking; but these Fuck the NFL guys in my league were guys who 1. have money 2. were sports fans, gigantic NFL fans, knew the players, listened to sports radio 3. would go to games and spend their disposable income on tickets, beers, parking and all of the other things. I was kind of surprised at the level of vitriol . Im pissed off that all sports and the media pussies are for the woke bullshit, but Ive been known to place an occasional wager on the result of a sporting contest, so I will consume with the mute on. Also, I have learned to tune out the woke shit, thats why I dont listen to sports radio, or any radio, Ive really become a podcast pud, picking who and what I want to listen to, when I want to listen to it and blasting through the commercials for DUDE WIPES.
When MLB cancelled the 94 World Series and locked out the players, MLB took a hit, but thanks to DBOL, the cream and the clear and juiced balls, they were able to come back a few years later With the riots and the division of this nation (maybe its the election, which amplifies it). I wonder what the hit will be. Id guess 20 percent less TV ratings, but it could be higher. The problem is going to be selling those tickets when they do return to full stadia play, I dont see too many cuck soy boy antifa drum circle assholes paying for tickets and parking passes at the south lot of soldier field when I get to go to a bears game.The thing that remains to be seen is that in 3 years will we forget about the wokefest. If not, Id surmise the salary cap is going down because the revenue is going down.
Ill never figure out why they thought that this would produce more revenue at the cost of pissing off 50 percent or more of your consumer base. Maybe its me, it just doesnt seem like good bidness, keep up the wokeness and pissed off white suburban males will give these leagues da bidness in the old culo. Maybe the Jordan republicans buy sneakers is yesterdays news, I dont think it is, but what the fuck do I know, I could not even keep from becoming a Fantasy Football Commish.
later sabu