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Lance Stephenson running point
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Author:  FavreFan [ Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Lance Stephenson running point ... ge-rebuild

The Indiana Pacers will have to try some outside-the-box thinking to survive if Paul George does leave this summer, and that could include putting Lance Stephenson in a bigger role.

According to Gregg Doyel of the Indy Star, general manager Kevin Pritchard is considering putting Stephenson at point guard to lead the rebuilding process. The 26-year-old apparently "looks great" after losing 10 pounds.

Adrian Wojnarowski of The Vertical reported George's plans to leave Indiana when he becomes a free agent in 2018. The team has since discussed potential trades with several teams to move him before the start of next season in an effort to kickstart the rebuilding process.

DB: 8)

LTG: :oops:

Author:  long time guy [ Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lance Stephenson running point

FavreFan wrote:

The Indiana Pacers will have to try some outside-the-box thinking to survive if Paul George does leave this summer, and that could include putting Lance Stephenson in a bigger role.

According to Gregg Doyel of the Indy Star, general manager Kevin Pritchard is considering putting Stephenson at point guard to lead the rebuilding process. The 26-year-old apparently "looks great" after losing 10 pounds.

Adrian Wojnarowski of The Vertical reported George's plans to leave Indiana when he becomes a free agent in 2018. The team has since discussed potential trades with several teams to move him before the start of next season in an effort to kickstart the rebuilding process.

DB: 8)

LTG: :oops:

Talk about a miserable attempt to salvage a failed argument. Give it up for Lance Stephenson! Yoo Hoo.

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