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Seattle, the new Cleveland
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Author:  Colonel Angus [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Seattle, the new Cleveland

Seems that the City of Seattle wants to retain the rights to the name and history of the SuperSonics, much like Cleveland did with the Browns in the 1990s. I think it's a pretty good idea, since the Oklahoma City Sonics sounds just as right as Utah Jazz.

Author:  Regular Reader [ Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Or the Los Angeles Lakers/Clippers...

Author:  Chuckle Nuts [ Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:14 pm ]
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I’ve been following this forever, and in my head, I’d be happy if the sentiment of the legislature and the voters—no giant subsidies for the Sonics—sticks.

But emotionally, I’d be bummed. I like having a basketball team here. I bought some $16 seats last week, and we had a great time at the game.
So, there’s really only one thing that will tilt the scales and make it worthwhile for the mayor and the legislature to stick by their principles on this (which is going to get increasingly difficult for Mayor Nickels et al as the reality of losing the Sonics starts to create public heartache).

The one thing is this: Nickels and Seattle get national press—The New York Times, Good Morning America, the cover of Sports Illustrated, Drudge—for challenging the NBA’s disgusting business model, which extracts hundreds of millions of dollars in public subsidies to pay exorbitant salaries and build yuppie entertainment centers that actually suck business out the community (duplicating business that already exists rather than creating new business).

The model is backwards and someone needs to tell the emperor (the cocky NBA) that it has no clothes. Seattle’s gambit will only be worthwhile if the logic of it—cities should not be bailing out a failing private entertainment industry—is duly noted. Nationally noted.

Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am not envious of Seattle fans. It's a terrible situation to follow a team your whole life and then just watch them leave.

Author:  SHARK [ Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seattle, the new Cleveland

Colonel Angus wrote:
Seems that the City of Seattle wants to retain the rights to the name and history of the SuperSonics, much like Cleveland did with the Browns in the 1990s. I think it's a pretty good idea, since the Oklahoma City Sonics sounds just as right as Utah Jazz.
There was a published report a few weeks ago suggesting that the new Oklahoma City team would be called the Thunder. That report appears to be premature, but the rumored nickname seems to make a lot of sense considering what kind of weather that area of the country has been known to get...

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