Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Association Players I Can't Stand
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Author:  Mini Ditka [ Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Association Players I Can't Stand

1. Dwight Howard: Enough with being a crybaby and throwing elbows around.
2. Kevin Garnett: If you can't win, play dirty.
3. LeBron James: Ruining the Cavs because he couldn't get back to the finals.
4. Kobe Bryant: Can somebody call a foul on this guy?
5. Manu Ginobli: He should be called for more offensive fouls.
6. Dirk Nowitzki: He may have better offensive numbers, but he's no Larry Bird.
7. Tyson Chandler: He's like Superman and KG put together. A cry baby who plays dirty.
8. Jeff Foster: Are we sure he never played for the Celtics?
9. Kendrick Perkins: He's a thug.
10. Rajon Rondo: He should be beat for what he did to Brad Miller.

Honorable Mentions:
1. Dwayne Wade for saying he was coming to Chicago.
2. Chris Bosh for being a fake "tough guy".
3. Derrick Fisher for hacking people and playing innocent.
4. Pau Gasol for playing like a girl.
5. Tony Parker for breaking up with Eva.

Author:  Terry's Peeps [ Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Association Players I Can't Stand

I thought you would've said "the balck ones".


Author:  Jbi11s [ Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Association Players I Can't Stand

Mini Ditka wrote:
1. Dwight Howard: Enough with being a crybaby and throwing elbows around.
2. Kevin Garnett: If you can't win, play dirty.
3. LeBron James: Ruining the Cavs because he couldn't get back to the finals.
4. Kobe Bryant: Can somebody call a foul on this guy?
5. Manu Ginobli: He should be called for more offensive fouls.
6. Dirk Nowitzki: He may have better offensive numbers, but he's no Larry Bird.
7. Tyson Chandler: He's like Superman and KG put together. A cry baby who plays dirty.
8. Jeff Foster: Are we sure he never played for the Celtics?
9. Kendrick Perkins: He's a thug.
10. Rajon Rondo: He should be beat for what he did to Brad Miller.

Honorable Mentions:
1. Dwayne Wade for saying he was coming to Chicago.
2. Chris Bosh for being a fake "tough guy".
3. Derrick Fisher for hacking people and playing innocent.
4. Pau Gasol for playing like a girl.
5. Tony Parker for breaking up with Eva.

You just named half the great players in the league. Wtf? Please don't watch basketball anymore.

Author:  bigfan [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Association Players I Can't Stand

. Dwight Howard: Not sure he would be such a dick if anyone else on his team helped.
2. Kevin Garnett: No issues
3. LeBron James: Wont go as far as Can't stand, but gotta respect the ability.
4. Kobe Bryant: He has been humbled, just want him to honor MJ a lil more,
5. Manu Ginobli: Can't HATE the guy.
6. Dirk Nowitzki: Needs to be paid less, but I can stand him.
7. Tyson Chandler: Great athlete, size, pud!
8. Jeff Foster: Hack, but paid to be a hack
9. Kendrick Perkins: 27 year old man, old man.
10. Rajon Rondo: Heavily hated by me. Passes the ball to 3 great players, who score. Big fucking deal.

Honorable Mentions:
1. Dwayne Wade for saying he was coming to Chicago. AGREE! ASSWIPE!
2. Chris Bosh for being a fake "tough guy". Don't agree, never called him tough
3. Derrick Fisher for hacking people and playing innocent. He is 5'10? come on
4. Pau Gasol for playing like a girl.
5. Tony Parker for breaking up with Eva.

Author:  Ugueth Will Shiv You [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Association Players I Can't Stand

Personally, Dwight Howard, Tyler Hansbrough and JR Reid take the D-Bag Award in my book.

Author:  RFDC [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Association Players I Can't Stand

JR Reid? Dude retired how long ago? :lol:

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Association Players I Can't Stand


All unlikeable in my book.

Author:  Ugueth Will Shiv You [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Association Players I Can't Stand

Oops. I am thinking of JR Smith.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Association Players I Can't Stand

Ugueth Will Shiv You wrote:
Oops. I am thinking of JR Smith.

I figured that.

Author:  Brick [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Association Players I Can't Stand

I was thinking of Isaiah Rider.

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