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no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest
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Author:  IkeSouth [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest ... day-021014

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest

What an asshole. I was just starting to come around on him.


Why does he hate the NBA?

Author:  bigfan [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest

heard about this on the news, didnt stay on that station..

and none of those dunks win shit, they didnt even seem that great? The one where he tosses the ball against the wall, the toss was better than the dunk.

Author:  IkeSouth [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest

thats what i thought too. very lame dunks, and it seems he cant jump like he used to. it was after a practice though, he could just be worn out.

im still mad at him for not doing the dunk contest. that is a show for the fans.. the people who made you your money. show them some respect.

Author:  bigfan [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest

IkeSouth wrote:
thats what i thought too. very lame dunks, and it seems he cant jump like he used to. it was after a practice though, he could just be worn out.

im still mad at him for not doing the dunk contest. that is a show for the fans.. the people who made you your money. show them some respect.

Problem is that while his dunks are powerful, it doesnt matter that much when nobody is there. Even though he seems pretty impressed by himself.

And yes, lotsa energy to burn off for a guy who just finished an NBA practice???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :shock:

His sponsors would not want him LOSING such a contest

Author:  Fflb [ Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest

All the greats did the dunk contest, if he wants to be a great I think he should do it, right?

Author:  Don Tiny [ Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest

Fflb wrote:
All the greats did the dunk contest, if he wants to be a great I think he should do it, right?

He - and the other stars - should do the contest, but it has no bearing on him being a basketball "great".

Author:  Fflb [ Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest

Don Tiny wrote:
Fflb wrote:
All the greats did the dunk contest, if he wants to be a great I think he should do it, right?

He - and the other stars - should do the contest, but it has no bearing on him being a basketball "great".

Obviously Lebron is going down as one of the greatest, but why wouldn't you want to join the list of people like Julius Erving, Clyde drexler, Michael Jordan, Dominique Wilkins and Kobe Bryant as one who participated in it, idk I feel like if I was him that would be a cool thing to do

Author:  Don Tiny [ Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest

Fflb wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Fflb wrote:
All the greats did the dunk contest, if he wants to be a great I think he should do it, right?

He - and the other stars - should do the contest, but it has no bearing on him being a basketball "great".

Obviously Lebron is going down as one of the greatest, but why wouldn't you want to join the list of people like Julius Erving, Clyde drexler, Michael Jordan, Dominique Wilkins and Kobe Bryant as one who participated in it, idk I feel like if I was him that would be a cool thing to do

I don't know for sure .... the only "logical" explanation I can think of is they don't want to take a chance on hurting their brand ... perhaps better said they must figure (and I don't necessarily disagree) that the potential gain to their brand is considerably outweighed by the potential hit it might take for not being received well. I can't imagine it being about anything else, and that reasoning is easily applied universally (not just for him, but Durant, Griffin, etc.).

To that point, did Paul George get anything out of being in the contest? I don't believe so. Doesn't help that the format was a compelte abortion devoid of entertainment or intelligent structure, so I guess that's another reason to avoid it like the plague. Also, when talking about greatest players, Mt. Rushmores, or whatever, nobody ever talks about this or that guy in a dunk contest, so again another point to not pay the contest any mind.

Author:  Fflb [ Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: no wonder lebitch doesnt do the dunk contest

Yeah I see you on all that, I just would have liked to see him in '03 or '04 when he just got into the league and the duck contest was somewhat entertaining, but it's a shame to see it the way it is and I would be surprised if in 5 years there is still even a contest

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