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Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question
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Author:  Don Tiny [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

(cross-post from a thread that it sort-of didn't fit into ... hoping for more views here)

Don Tiny wrote:
That reminds me ... if MLB has no authority in regards to running the Hall of Fame (that is to say, the HoF doesn't answer to Selig, et al), how is it that Pete Rose's MLB ban has anything to do w/ the HoF?

I mean, if the voters wanted Sosa in and McGwire out (it's just an example, settle down), it doesn't matter if MLB would pitch a bitch about it one way or another, right?

Pete signed a document w/ Giamatti saying if they both shut up, he'd agree to a lifetime MLB ban ... what's that got to do with the HoF? Rose made no such arrangement with the HoF, just MLB - two seperate entities.

Or am I completely misinformed?

Author:  SHARK [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

It's one of those subjects that'll never go away, but is brought up from time to time on sports talk radio. Even though Pete Rose is statistically worthy of induction into Cooperstown, NY, he did something that's unforgivable as far as baseball is concerned. That's betting on the game he played and the fact that Rose never really came clean about the subject when he had the chance.

Author:  WestmontMike [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

Thanks for the recap SHARK.
But the subject that you're referring to is not the subject that Don Tiny is referring too. The question is "is the baseball HOF a separate entity and does MLB have any authority over the HOF?"
I have no idea.

Author:  Keyser Soze [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

The hall of fame is funded by MLB. Whatever MLB wants MLB gets.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

Now hold on ... I was/am pretty certain that the MLB HoF is a completely autonomous entity not beholden (financially or otherwise) - which is what (I thought) set it apart from the other HoF's.

I would research it, and I probably will, but I'm guessing it won't be as simple as doing a 30-second google-and-read as I'm guessing there will be a lot of conflicting answers of dubious origin.

That's why I brought it to the forum ... I know that makes no sense, bringing hopes of educating oneself on a board that would have me as a member, but I've done just that all the same.

Wasn't this a stickling point of that dust-up some years ago regarding Susan Sarandon and the MLB HoF, whatever it was about (NO, I DON'T CARE what it was about, it's not germaine) ... like MLB wanted one thing and HoF told them to screw off (essentially) but Sarandon tapped out anyway.

Author:  WestmontMike [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

From the National baseball hall of fame website: The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum is independent of Major League Baseball, however it does maintain an excellent relationship with MLB.
More importantly, on the list of officers and members of the Hall of Fame's Board of Directors is ... Allan H. (Bud) Selig.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

Fair enough; it's subjectively intertwined, but they're not married, so to speak.

So, they could do whatever they wish, but some people's panties would surely get in a bunch.

Thanks kindly.

Author:  lipidquadcab [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

Obscure Pete Rose reference of the day:

The fifth track on Fall Out Boy's latest album is titled...

Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet

Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

Bud is a pud. Pete finally came clean a couple years ago (after lying for years) and even if Selig maintains the ban against Pete's direct involvement in the game (coach/Manager) he should allow his induction into the hall. He has more hits than anyone to play the game and was an All-Star at how many positions? 4, I think. He deserves to experience the induction. If it comes only after he dies, it would be a terrible shame. A guy who had that kind of a career, deserves the experience.

Author:  bigfan [ Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

I personally dont care if Pete gets in or not, but this is the precedent!

If Pete gets in, everyone gets in.

Pete violated, 1000's of times, the one rule that is actually plastered on every single clubhouse. There is no grey area on this one.

If youi wish to let him in, everyone else follows, Sammy, Bonds, McGwire, etc.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

I wasn't politicking for his induction ... he got what he deserved (that, and being Tombstoned by Kane a handful of times). I was just interested in the exact nature of the relationship between the two entities.

Btw, Rose getting in or not has absolute dick to do with the steroid group; that's an almost retarded analogy. That said, I'm not looking to pick a fight, so I offer that we just 'Dave Mason' that discussion.

Author:  Darkside [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

Nas wrote:
He broke the rule as a manager. He was a HoF player and what he did as a manager should not get in the way of that. If he had bet on games after he got into the HoF would they kick him out? No. Why not let him in then? He is easily one of the top 20 players of all time.

Because he's a fucking disgrace to the game. He actually did damage to the game itself. Screw Pete Rose. if he had been even slightly repentant for his actions he might have had a shot, but since he was such an insufferable prick since being exposed for the fraud he was he's got no chance.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

Because he willingly signed a document exempting himself from consideration ... it wasn't a unilateral fiat that he be banned ... he signed his HoF consideration rights away. It has nothing at all to do, therefore, with his purported merits or his scruples (or lack thereof).

But back to my original inquiry, that document was between MLB and he ... not the HoF. Thus my pondering whether the HoF could theoretically tell MLB to suck-it.

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

If you are going to keep Pete Rose out of the Hall of Fame for gambling on the game, then you have to remove Ty Cobb as well - although I am not sure that they have the undeniable proof that they have in Pete's case.

Pete Rose was and still is my favorite player of all time, so anything I say is slightly jaded, but given that, I find it interesting that baseball's stance pretty much is: "Do whatever you want to yourself and we won't ban you from the Hall of Fame. However, take money out of our pockets by damaging the game, you are banned for life"

Baseball's hypocrisy irks me sometimes. All this talk about steroids this and HGH that but noone ever wants to recognize the fact that players for the last 30 years have been hopped up on greenies and were encouraged to do so. I would argue that these are performance enhancing drugs but noone wants to hear that.

Pete should be in as well as the players from this era and others that have used PED's - give them a separate era and call it the PED era or whatever you want.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

DegenerateDave wrote:
If you are going to keep Pete Rose out of the Hall of Fame for gambling on the game, then you have to remove Ty Cobb as well - although I am not sure that they have the undeniable proof that they have in Pete's case.

Pete Rose was and still is my favorite player of all time, so anything I say is slightly jaded, but given that, I find it interesting that baseball's stance pretty much is: "Do whatever you want to yourself and we won't ban you from the Hall of Fame. However, take money out of our pockets by damaging the game, you are banned for life"

Baseball's hypocrisy irks me sometimes. All this talk about steroids this and HGH that but noone ever wants to recognize the fact that players for the last 30 years have been hopped up on greenies and were encouraged to do so. I would argue that these are performance enhancing drugs but noone wants to hear that.

Pete should be in as well as the players from this era and others that have used PED's - give them a separate era and call it the PED era or whatever you want.


Author:  W_Z [ Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

have i used the Pud Galvin conundrum or not yet? Either way...

Pud Galvin was MLB's first 300 game winner as a pitcher. He pitched in the early 1900's, late 1800's too I believe.

Pud Galvin is in the Hall of Fame.

He admittedly took steroids.

Author:  RFDC [ Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pete Rose - MLB - HoF question

:lol: Gotta love a guy named Pud.

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