well...i just saw it this afternoon.
i must say--i was touched. it was funny, impressively balancing raunch with sweetness and that's what i've always admired about these films. they're sweet and sick at the same time and seem to be able to handle both well.
there are some times where the film drags...a few too many shenanigans. but plenty of hot chicks to keep the interest up and these characters are always likeable.
except chris klein. he's easily the weakest link throughout. the guy's just not a good actor. you never get a good read on him. he's like keanu reeves in a way but keanu has a way with manipulating you and klein's nowhere near that level. they never seem to know what to do with his character, either. he's very inconsistent.
the best scenes, again, are with jim and his dad. levy brings such an earnest performance it's hard not to like him. and jason biggs can still play big heart geek really well.
it's not a masterpiece but it keeps with the tradition the series began with and holds together. the music really brings back memories, even though i was 2 years graduated by the time the first one was released. kinda made me miss not having a reunion.
there are plenty of big laughs and endearing moments to make this worth seeing if you were a fan of the first three *real* pie movies.
out of