Hank Scorpio wrote:
Guns are hard to purchase legally and Ipads are expensive. If you could buy an ipad off the back of truck at a flea market or for $10 more buy it from the Apple store, I'm guessing most people choose the legal route. People could try to sell drugs on the street still but if the stores had them priced correctly the profit for the dealers wouldnt be enough to continue operating.
I find it hard to believe that. If we really want to get into it, companies have to worry about lawsuits, advertising, insurance, certification, taxes and a lot of things that homebrewers wouldn't. That's one of the reasons that prescription drugs are pretty expensive.
As I said though, even if that was true, what are all those criminals going to start doing? Are they going to give up crime? I doubt it. They'll stay in the business and do what they can to undercut the competition. I mean, we've got people smuggling cigarettes from Indiana all the time. You don't think they find a way to stay involved with other drugs?
Hank Scorpio wrote:
Your neighbor can smoke meth right now in his house. You can even call the cops but they cant just search his place based on your tip. The difference is that your neighbor could smoke it legally and purchase it from a safe, quality controlled enviornment. I also dont think that a lot of people out there are just dying to try meth.
That's true, but obviously I wouldn't really be seeing any negative from it at that point. Once it becomes detectable from the outside I'd have a way to correct it. I lose that if it's legal. In fact, it would be just like cigarettes where my future children could be playing in the backyard and the neighbor decides he's going to smoke crystal meth on my property line. It would kind of suck if that was completely legal.