Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Frontman wrote:
Interviewing him/taking him into custody due to parole violations isn't quite the same as turning him over to the violent Muslims. (Although, I'd be SORELY tempted to do so.)
Why the fuck would you be "sorely tempted to do so?" Do you think he doesn't have the right to his free speech? And they aren't really investigating a parole violation. He certainly hasn't violated his parole, at least in spirit. This is flat out pandering to savagery.
Because to me, if you do the crime, you should do the time. Even with Freedom of Speech, there are concaquences to what is said. This a-hole decided to piss off Muslims (including the extremists) all the while he knew his ass was safe here in the States. This film he made, and the outcry afterwards? It's the ultimate expression of internet muscles. Say something that you would never dare say to a person face to face.
Hide behind "Freedom of Speech" all the while someone is pissed off beyond the pail. (Freedom of Speech which, for the uninformed, isn't say whatever the fuck you want with no recourse. If that was the case, there would be no such thing as libel or slander laws. It was meant to allow us to speak out against our government without fear of reprisals of said government.) He had to know how upset this would make Muslims. (Hell, this isn't the first go-around with the Prophet Muhammad being portrayed in a film/tv show only to piss off Muslims. Anyone remember the Religious Super friends South Park had years ago, and the times they tried to put Muhammad back into the cartoon? Eventually they were threatened enough to stop because of what happened to Theo Van Gogh.)
He HAD to know this wouldn't go over well.
This to me is one of those cases of even though you have the right to say it, maybe its better left unsaid. Why piss off a ton of people with what you THINK is "the truth" even though you have little to know evidence to PROVE your truth?
I said I would be tempted to turn his ass over to them; but there's already been enough killing over it. You are right, he does have the right to say it.