Chus wrote:
Three weeks ago, I took my older son to his two year checkup. Upon returning to my vehicle, which is eleven years old, and full of scratches, I noticed that the driver of the new Mercedes SL parked next to me, lazily parked the car with the back right tire completely in my space. Not touching the line. Not a bit over the line. The whole tire was completely in my space, due to the car being parked at an angle. My son's car seat is behind the driver's seat, and I could barely open that door. It was a bit of a struggle to enter through the rear passenger door, climb over the middle car seat (for my younger son), and place my twenty six pound son in his seat. Before entering the car, I opened the back driver side door into his car as forcefully as I could, and I left a scratch on his door.
Was I wrong?
Techincally, yes, 'cause wrecking other people's property is pretty gay .... but I completely understand why and can't say that I wouldn't have done it either.