Based on GD being fooled by this phenomenon...that is overrunning Netflix and used to overrun Blockbuster...a mockbuster is basically a low rent independent STV video that tries to rip off the title of an actual blockbuster in order to make some quick cash based off those people who used to walk into video stores and ask if they had the most recent movie that's still in theatres in the store (i.e. "yall got that"). And lo and behold...they'd find this:
these are always really horrible movies, usually starring an old hasbeen actor or a porn star.
so take a film and make your own mockbuster! i'll start, with new releases.
Real movie title: "Cloud Atlas"
Mockbuster version: "Sky Map"
Real movie title: "Wreck it, Ralph"
Mockbuster version: "Ryan the Destroyer"
Real movie title: "Flight"
Mockbuster version: "Pilot Hero"