badrogue17 wrote:
After taking the 300 million or so lump sum , my plan would be that I give 15 different people 1 million each, my wife does the same, set up Rogue jr with a decent trust fund, quit my fucking job and try my hand at philanthropy. Probably build a no kill animal shelter and provide free vet service for people who cant afford to take their pets to one. Give money to the bald kid in the St Jude hospital commercials and just try and live a good life and be as generous as I could.
Very nice. I think I would go with Ivan's idea and work for a while anyway. I have an easy ass job. My house is fine now too. Vacations and a driver first on tap. Some kind of bad ass four door to have someone cart my ass around and a Lance Briggs special for the few times I will be sober in the first year.