NearWessSideHussra wrote:
USPS paid Armstrong $30 million to sponsor his Tour de France
misadventure. After Oprah, they now have a fraud claim for treble damages.
They better hurrry. Armstrong's net worth is est @ approx $100 mil, and the
list of folks suing Armstrong is extensive.
Normally I hate when stuff like this happens, cuz at the time the USPS was basking in the glory of that Lance shit and hey, if you're crying poor about this and that and need to save $2bil then why the fuck are you giving Lance Armstrong $90mil? How exactly does that benefit the public? Raising USPS awareness? Etc.
So yeah, NORMALLY I'd scoff and say that much $$ is play money when ppl are working 75hrs/week to earn $40k/year and feed their kids and etc... I mean when you're tapped dir fame the real world doesn't apply.... but since I hate Lance Armstrong and got asshole vibes from merely beholding his corporeal from even once, hell yeah I down for a downfall! Take it all. This fuck turned cancer into a profitable industry so he could bed Rockstars/models and think he was such a sacrosanct big deal he's bigyiming Rockstars from mars like charlie sheen? Fuck that!
Take it all, I'd say. Even if he had to give up $90mil he'd still live a life of luxury and never have to struggle a day in his life. Send him the societal middle finger and let him know that same can be rented if you are a total sgit... tax his ass and use the $90mil to give us 12 Saturdays/year! Or just give it to your CEO, aka the job creator!
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?