Elmhurst Steve wrote:
All they can do is tell you to turn the music down....bullshit. They can charge him with violating noise statues, (disturbing the peace) which may then result in revocation of his probation...
Well Barney Fife, you keep ignoring the biggest part of the story. Bagels went outside and said the music wasn't loud. How would his probation be revoked, when he has done nothing wrong? This is a huge omission on your part, which renders the rest of your nonsense invalid.
Yeah, so the thing to do with a neighbor who complains about everything is to inflame the situation....to try to escalate matters and get the Police involved.
Bagels wouldn't be the one escalating anything. That would be the neighbor, making an issue where there isn't one.
It doesn't matter if the neighbors on the other side have no issue with the volume he plays his music at. If a complaint is made, a patrol officer will be dispatched to investigate and when the subject turns out to have a criminal history and is on probation, chances are good he's not gonna be the one the Officer is most likely to side with.
Of course it does. Nobody else hears the music, and neither will the cops IF they get called and show up. IF they show up, there job is to assess the situation and handle it accordingly, not side against the guy with a record. Maybe the neighbor has a record, and it's longer and more serious than that of Bagels? I guess you never thought of that, huh? It's no wonder that you are a failed cop with that shitty attitude. You act like they are going to approach his residence with guns drawn, ready to drag him out of the house by his hair. IF they showed up, all Bagels has to do is be polite, and say "yes sir", "no sir", "I will turn it down", and "have a good night officer", and they will leave immediately. He most likely won't even be required to show ID. Most cops aren't dickheads who need a badge and a gun to get an erection like you.
When I was 19, four of us had an apartment, and we were idiots who played the music way too loudly. The whole building could probably hear it. The cops were called every weekend. We were a bunch of rowdy idiots drinking and doing drugs, and actually disturbing the peace. Nothing ever came of it, other than one of us going out into the hallway, and them telling us to keep it quiet. So, why would anybody think that the cops are going to harass a 30-ish guy in his home, when it's clear that the neighbor is just crying wolf?
Your advice is akin to suggesting someone try to put a fire out by dousing it with gasoline.....Stupid and dangerous.
What a ridiculous analogy. There is no fire here. There isn't even any smoke, other than the smoke that comes out of your ears when you try to think. Steve, every cop isn't an asshole looking to harass people like you were (the story of you harassing a motorist over tire tread immediately comes to mind). Your silly responses in this thread show that you obviously miss the power trip of carrying a badge and a gun. This may explain why you bowl against women, and brag about it.
Your advice to him is to walk on egg shells, in order to avoid a crack pot neighbor and Dirty Harry. That is stupid advice. I would expect nothing less from you.
Q-Bo, I get what you are saying about not wanting to make enemies with a neighbor, especially one who lives next door. I have hung out with Bagels a couple times, and he seems like a pretty mellow dude. Like the '85 Bears, he ain't lookin' for trouble. It seems to me, that there is something not right with the neighbor (complaining about music that isn't loud, claiming he had to work early when he didn't, etc). It appears that he is looking for some type of confrontation. If it isn't the music, it will be something else.