6/24/2013 @ 1:36 p.m.: The point in time when Laurence (not the undeserved proper spelling) Holmes made Dan Bernstein (add your desired spelling derivation) sound not just hockey stupid (he didn't invent the game), not just media stupid, but completely sports stupid. If DB doesn't sense any gravitas with this year's Stanley Cup then its because of:
- Oxygen deprivation to the brain because he's trying to gobble all of King Lebron's magnificent knob.
- After proclaiming that anything less than a Stanley Cup would be a letdown, and he completely missed the 18-wheel bandwagon that has thundered past him (ear ringing due to said oxygen deprivation).
- His kid's hockey season is over and he can't talk casually to the few remaining parents who don't shun him (hockey moms who try to hide their disdain for him while proclaiming "Go Hawks").
- He really is sports stupid and has become severely butt hurt over the response to his disingenuous blog post about Paula Dean. Yesterday's news that he failed to latch onto when it occurred.
I had listened a little longer to see if he, as Mike Murphy used to state "Say something else stupid" and he's proven that while its nice that Larry will get into the showers with him, it isn't the same and he doesn't have the same latitude as when Larry Horse is soaping him up. My stream has quit, and now its on to other things.
P.S. Knob slurping LeBron is his new passion, hardly a sports reference will be made between now and next March without somehow interjecting a James reference