Neil Peart is without question the most influential rock drummer in history. However, that doesn't mean he was/is the best from a technical standpoint. Even he would tell you that drummers like Buddy Rich, Terry Bozzio, and Mike Mangini could drum circles around him.
Peart is a legend mainly because he is part of a group whose style is far reaching. And he certainly has had a big hand in that. But the point is, to be a legend, you have to not only be good, but you also have to be known. He is good (or great) based on his drumming, but he is
known because of Rush.
I remember reading my dad's Playboy magazines when I was a kid, and they had an annual music poll (yes, I did read the articles too!
) The winner of the Best Drummer category always seemed to be Mick Fleetwood. Now Mick is a fine drummer, but I realized even back then that the reason he won was because Fleetwood Mac was huge.
(Okay, why does the software change "M i c k" to "nut"?)
To IkeSouth, bigfan wrote:
Are you stoned or pissed off, or both, when you create these postings?