Nas wrote:
i confess that i don't know what justice should look like.... but i know what THE LAW looks like:
incidentally, i don't think judge dredd has ever taken off his helmet in the comics..... you know, that whole "justice is faceless" thing.... but hey, when you've got sly stallone YOU DON'T KEEP THE HELMET ON. THAT'S LITERALLY A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR MUG!
incidentallly i hope that they make a sequel to karl urban's judge dredd..... and i gotta get around to seeing riddick cuz i remember reading that he was cast in it, and yet none of the previews/trailers show him in it. he must be a surprise near/end-boss... and likely the only remnant of the necromongers other than an early disposable line about why riddick doesn't command the #1 undead army in the universe.
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?