if you have a few minutes to kill, this is pretty funny
a friend of mine who i email/chat with during the day, her roommate met some dude online and had been chatting with him for a time...apparently guy turned crazy and started calling/texting/emailing non-stop including calling her at her work
5:59 - I hope you enjoy dinner with your father.
7:38 - I love you so much. I truly want to do a few things, here, to try and work things out.
7:47 - My new job doesn't beat up my body like my old job, and the hours and money are better. I miss talking to ya...makes me feel sick.
8:13 - Man, I hate not talking to you. I did a lot of thinking, last night...and came to some decisions. I don't know how things got so
confused, here. I honestly have strived to never do either of you, wrong. If I could tell you how many things I think can be better...I
think you'd be utterly surprised.
8:29 - Also, I'm gathering more and more sotgs, for Le. Dsl is the only thing i have to occupy my completely freaked out world, right now.
8:38 - I know you're with Meghan, or on the way there, by now. I guess I won't talk to you, tonight. But I hope you have a blast. I love you.
As far as I know, you're angry and hurt, but you're still mine. I love you, so much. God, Ana. I love you. You give me a reason to start
over, and want to be a man, again. I need you so much. I wish I could tell you this, face to face. God, in person. I just want to hold
you, mi hada hermosa.
9:41 - I took a forced nap. I dreamt about you.
9:57 - This must be the 500th time i've refreshed your FB page. I'm so scared, right now. I wish I could make you see, truly, how you reassured me that love and beauty exist.
10:32- I hate not talking to you. I HATE IT. It's killing me. I think about you constantly. God, I love you.
10:55- What hurts the most is that I really tried to do right by you. I would never have done you wrong. NEVER.
11:42- I keep trying to go to sleep, but it's not working. I see your face, whether my eyes are open or closed.
12:48- In an out of sleep.I keep catching flashes of memories. Hearing things you've said. I feel empty and worthless, right now.
1:21 - I keep waking up to check and see if you've called or texted. I feel like I'm never going to be able to sleep, be comfortable, or eat
2:41 - I...don't know that dog....oh god. I don't know that dog...oh god...
3:11 - Please be Meghan's dog. Oh fuck...please be Meghan's dog.
4:20 - I'm so frazzled. I've been shaking, most of the night. Slept a few 15-20 min stretches, for naught...it doesn't help.This makes 4 days
with no sleep. Thursday night, I was upset + thinking about Pe-Paw. Friday night, I'd enjoyed our conversation, then sat back and
thought about a few things that could improve our relationship. On my part.
4:23 - I just took four shots, to see if it would help me sleep. I don't think it's going to work. I don't remember you less...but more. It's not
helping, at all.
5:12 - Baby...please talk to me. Please. I love you.
6:37 - Alcohol + coffee is so unbalancing. I've been crying for over an hour. Tears are barely coming, anymore. I feel dry. God, baby...I love
you, and I'm going crazy.
7:08 - I keep trying to look at your pictures to make myself feel better. It's a twisted idea. Seeing you, looking at your eyes, gives me a
certain sense of peace. But seeing you also makes it clear how sharp that other side of the sword is. You act like you're never
going to speak to me, again.
7:10 - You have such pretty eyes. I love your eyes.Somehow, when I fantasize about actually being with you...a lot of the time, I kiss your
eyelids, at some point. I guess I'm utterly smitten by your eyes, but damn...they're pretty...
7:49 - I'm going insane. I have no idea how to handle myself, right now. I keep hoping. And crying, even though I don't have any tears.
8:53 - I hope I can talk to you, soon. I'm pretty sick, right now. I love you.
10:43- I passed out for about an hour, and had another nightmarish dream about you. I woke up screaming and hitting Daniel in the face, as
as he was trying to calm me down.
11:34- God, baby...please talk to me. I'm trying -SO- hard to respect you and give you space to think, which you seem to need.
12:41- It's so hard not to text you. I've pretty much had my phone in my hand since I got off, yesterday. I keep looking at google with the
other, checking to see if you might log on. Dsl, facebook...I'm watching everything like my life depends on it. The life I want DOES.
1:26 - I need the chance to work things out with you, Ana. I've typed pages and pages into my text bar, and then deleted it. Over and over
and over. It's so hard not to call you. I hope you'll talk to me. I hope you'll remember that you love me. I'd do anything to fix us.
1:57 - It's almost 2pm. It's been over 24 hrs since I spoke to you, and I feel numb. I feel like you're never going to speak to me, again. I'm so
scared, right now. You make me want to plan a perfect life...just for you. You make me want and need to be everything I can, and
take care of you, forever. I want to be your husband.
2:11 - Mi vida es tu vida.
2:30 - Ana, I wasn't dishonest with you. I wasn't misleading, I didn't hide anything. I SWEAR. Whatever you think, right now...it can be
explained. IT CAN! I've always treated you with respect and care. I have. It's all I want to do. Treat you right...
3:37 - I will do whatever it takes to make us right and makes us work. I've decided, firmly, to change a few things. Please talk to me
about it. I refuse to let you go, Ana. I can't do it. You're HER. I -REFUSE- to not fight for you, until I'm dead.