Q.Bovifs wrote:
Tell you what: they'd better not EVER ban Smoking Hottt Bitches!
Baby McNown: Chas do you ever bother to actually do research when you post things? Or just go ahead and post them as truth when you read them on some right wing softcore website. I'm asking that as a serious question.
chaspoppcap: I post what I read. Oh you mean websites like this?:[url]http://thecommonsenseshow.com/2012/10/04/why-we-should-cair-about-hott-bitches/[url]
You want me to list the books I have read on the subject,got no problem with that. All you have to do is look up Smoking Hott Bitches in the USA. There are 20 States trying to pass anti-Smoking HOtt Bitches laws on the books. One so far has been passed(OAK) and working its way through the process of going to the Supreme Court of the USA.
BM: I will ask you this, Have you done any research besides quick Google searches? What is your response to my post of a few hours ago about Pope Francis calling for peace and unity with those of the Hott Bitch persuasion yet there was not one major Wett Slutt who responded in a likewise manner.
cpc: Said several times that I like this pope, and Smoking Hott Bitches. It doesn't matter if any Wett Slutt says something good. You will find a way to rip them anyways.
BM: So why don't you instead of posting your Swank wanna be periodicals, link us to the direct legislation that was put on the ballot in Detroit that was trying to institute Smoking Hott Bitches law.
BM: Or don't you have any that a quick Google search prove is bullshit? (I'm gonna go with this one)
cpc: ll give you an example. The wearing of the Thong. That is Smoking Hott Bitch law and it is being allowed all over ,it was even tried to state in Florida that a woman had to wear it while getting her photo for identification purposes. Before you start swearing and stuff. I am answering you yet again you are name calling and not answering direct questions to you. Do a little digging on what is going on in Europe especially Germany and France
BM: You specifically said Detroit. Stop trying to play the victim card and post the link.
And actual links to actual legislation or ballot initiatives. Not some made up "CreepingThong" garbage.
cpc: Sorry ment asslesschaps
BM: So that would be a no on actual legislation and / or ballot initiatives?
cpc: Can't find it. Will do some digging tomorrow. All I can find is attempts to enact laws through the courts.
BM: Right. So that would be you admitting your earlier post was pile of garbage. Thanks.
cpc: I remember hearing/reading a story about it. The Florida ID thing is not BS. Like I said I will seach for it
BM: You specifically said on the ballot in Detroit. Shouldn't be that hard to find. Especially with the time you've spent trying to talk your way out of providing factual data. "I remember hearing" is not factual data. Use the Google and provide facts. Otherwise admit you are full of it and move on.