lipidquadcab wrote:
Instead of a completely fictional story, why not take some artistic license with the Vikings in the 2000s...
Start of the movie: 2002, guy in charge of getting the pick to the podium is unable to take advantage of the Chiefs letting their 15 minutes run out, and they miss out on the guy they wanted
After some bullshit, when get to 2003 where the guy fucks up and does it again, this time the Vikings slipping two spots...
Then we get our story of redemption...have a montage where the guy is training on carrying an envelope to the podium or wherever they take it...cue 2004...
Vikings are called...guy is given the name (at the last minute of course, to build suspense)...he makes a mad dash to the podium...someone tries tripping him or something...makes a sick spin move...gets the pick in just in time...cut to war room, where someone starts the slow clap while someone else starts the head nod (you know, that one from all the gifs) and an orchestra plays to the credits.
In a world where you only have 3 minutes to decide, one man did the unthinkable. He took his time.
drinky wrote:
If you hate Laurence, then don't listen - don't comment. When he co-hosts the B&B show, take that day off ... listen to an old podcast of a Bernstein solo show and jerk off all day.