I don't think that's true at all. Just because the CEO and probably most of the people that own restaurants in the chain share traditional family values does not mean they hate gays or would discriminate against someone who is gay who is coming there to work or eat.
That's code for, "we hate the guys". Why can't you just own it? Gay bashers want to be big shots, and run their mouths, until they get called out. Then the victim card gets played. It's disgusting.
The gay rights activists have made everything about gay marriage black and white. They're saying essentially if you don't support our position than you are a bigot
Because that is the definition of bigot. You use the bible to excuse your bigotry. That too, is disgusting.
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bigotbig·ot noun \ˈbi-gət\
: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person; especially :
a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)
and you don't deserve to have a job or have anyone eat at your restaurant.
Who said that? Those that disagree with Chick-Fil-A's position on "traditional family values", simply boycott their stores. I haven't seen many organized protests.
There is no convincing someone of their position.
That is hilarious, coming from you.
This is seek and destroy. Kill and conquer. Smear and defame. Threaten and harass until your opponents give up.
That is a strawman of epic proportions.
Catholics are against homosexuality but they also do a lot of work with charity. So you cannot honestly say you hate Catholics and Chick-Fil-A because they don't support a political position, but at the same time say they are doing good through their charitable work. It's all or nothing.
They do charity work for the non-gays, so hating somebody for loving who they love is okay?
Since it is so easy to just change your sexual orientation, why don't you be gay for the next six months, and show those heathens how easy it is?
Either they are with you or they don't deserve to live.
Find me one quote, ONE QUOTE, where somebody said that gay bashers like you, don't deserve to live?