Curious Hair wrote:
One of the things I find interesting is that their go-to insults for guys they don't like are "neckbeard" and "virgin," and as anyone who went through high school can tell you, "you're ugly and can't get laid" is the go-to insult of the social haves for the social have-nots, which makes one wonder who's really oppressing whom here.
my favorite one that the kids (on 4chan) use ad nauseum/infinitum nowadays is "autist."
so let me get this straight, because i have the boundless audacity to post a few paragraphs about something i care about / am-interested-in and you are not, clearly i live in my own little fantasy world where only i exist because i didnt take the time to stop and consider your feelings about what i might or might not say, and therefore if i was a normal balanced well-adjusted persion LIVING IN REALITY i would have not indulged myself in publicly writing something that anyone else might not enjoy because, obviously, living in civilization/society is a series of compromises that begins and ends with "ooh, i'd better act in a way that other people like because if i don't they might accuse me of being an autistic person who clearly lives in their own world populated by only themselves thanks to their brazen disregard for anything else but the self"
so yeah CH, i believe you spoke some clever term about the state of perpetual irony that our pop/culture lives in nowadays.... well how fucking ironic is it that these people who point at you and yell out AUTIST are accusing *you* of living in your own personal dream world because you're not stopping to do what other people expect of you, careful to adhere to every whim and desire of any/every-one else because obviously you have to be completely selfless in today's world lest you risk offending/annoying someone.
don't those people live in their own little dream world where everyone else has to go out of their way to consider THEIR feelings/preferences/desires/etc? i mean welcome to the real world, kiddo..... 98% of people you talk to are just waiting for their turn to talk, and there will be at least undertones of "shut up and be more like me" and thus anyone who has an un/realistic expectation of everyone else acting in only such a way that you/the-group/echo-chamber ideally desires is truly the fucking idiot living in an autistic paradise.
because i believe when i reach total enlightenment i will speak only in big lebowski quotes, there is indeed a quote that sums up this phenomenon with a veritable fucking bow and ribbon on top --- "the world doesn't start and stop at your convenience you miserable piece of shit" - walter sobchak, nailing it especially with the "miserable piece of shit" part.
anyways, yeah, TL;DR rah rah rah sooooo AUTISM HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?