Kirkwood wrote:
I don't really want to deconstruct Hank as I really like the poster. We don't have a relationship per se but the one time I met him he was cordial and nice. Our online interactions have been friendly as well. That being said, I wouldn't be who I am if my honesty didn't upset Hank Scorpio fans. No offense but he's a dumbass Hoosier hillbilly. Y'know the saying million dollar talent and 10 cent head? Well Hank has 10 cent posting talent and a 1 cent head. He's stuck in the 70s obessing about naked women with wooly mammoth vaginas. He's exchanged his manhood for the convenience of a minivan not to mention his worship of Billy Joel. Not only is he full of shit for saying he could eat 80 McNuggets (the pussy couldn't), but he's covered in shit from his twins. Every year the idiot predicts the Cubs to win the wild card and now he thinks the Bears are Super Bowl bound. I'm surprised his trailer in Northwest Indiana is hooked up to electricity and internet to be able to spew his garbage posts. Seriously, what a clown. Now, again, I really like the guy and don't want to ruin him but there's just some unsavory things about Scorpio.
Sprinkle some Hubgiggles throughout and that's just about perfect.