Thats Mr. G-u-e-s-t 2 You wrote:
We tried it last month. It didn't work. Too many Score workers don't want to register and put their jobs in jeopardy. We are dealing with a paranoid Sing Along with Mitch Rosen you know. And his mentor the more-paranoid Screw Hays is still near by for now.
That's silly. As far as I'm concerned, I'd be more scared of MitchyMitch catching me at my desk at this site, than I would be of him figuring out that "yimmyYammy" is really jojoProducer. For the latter, you got to have access to the underlying database.
Which, if I were BF, I wouldn't give out, except in response to a court order...
"Screw Hays." The simplest put-downs are the best