IkeSouth wrote:
sinicalypse wrote:
What is there really to "do" ???
essentially what i am asking is should i trust the legal system and avoid this dude at all costs while at the same time keep a close eye on his movements, or should i accept the fact that this was a long time ago and he has been good to me so i have no reason to be bad to him?
it wouldnt be so tough to think about if i knew what actually happened... but there isnt any way to find out so i just dont know what the right actions are...
ok first of all.... what the fuck is going on with your avatar dude? you're ike motherfucking south, get'cha avatar game up son!
second of all.... dude, how about you dont sweat the guy until he gives you a tangible reason to do so? if you notice him acting sketchy and casing your shit out and whantot then you start going on high alert.... but even with pederast shit like you're saying both the legal system and society at large passed judgment on him and here he is living next door to you all legit. i mean, yeah i know child rape is something that wasn't too big of a deal until dan bernstein woke the world up in light of the penn state shower scandal, but still man i think going out of your head sweating dude is only gonna make you paranoid and potentially seeing shit that doesnt exist because you're thinking THE DUDE IS A CHILD MOLESTER.... THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING THERE!
you know how he was just your neighbor up until you found this shit out? that's how you should judge him now. obviously i'm not gonna install a pool in my back around and invite my nephews and nieces over to swim while he's got a recliner set up by the 2nd story window next door and a lot of towels by his chair for some reason... but that's the extent of how far i'd take this shit. maybe be a little uptight when you've got kids over, but otherwise dude i mean wtf he is gonna do to you?
i mean wouldnt you be more freaked out if you found out out you're living next door to a 3x convicted serial homo rapist who has a thing for stoners? that'd be some watch your back shit.... but short of having kids over, man, why are you gonna sweat him on anything other than how he's acting around you in the here and now?
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?