Telegram Sam wrote:
Honestly, the guy's name is on more than half the books in the self help/health/diet section in any bookstore. When I quit smoking I took 3 different cessation books out of the library. He wrote the forward to one and a jacket endorsement of another. He called both the best, most sound, last-one-you'll-ever-need program he had ever encountered. I think he just signs anything that's put in front of him for a fee.
this. hes not lying, so accusing him as much is not going to get you anywhere. hes selling the equivalent to homeopathic medicine. his advice, if you really listen to it, is just specific facts that he extrapolates into something that seems like it makes a big difference. hes just a really good salesman.
dr phil is actually a little more genuine. he sells his personality, and he too will give blanket advice that really doesnt mean shit but it sounds good.... however i think he often does find cases where people are in real trouble and he does his best to help them