dude CH, what's the term that 4th-wave tumblr feminists use when they talk about men sitting comfortably on public trans? is it manspace or uhhh *googles it* ummmm not finding it right now but i have found
http://mentakingup2muchspaceonthetrain.tumblr.com/ --- i shit you not, that's men taking up 2 much space on the train.tumblr.com --- THEY'RE WATCHING YOU *AND* YOUR PRIVILEGE BOYEEEEE!
aha! i scrolled down to find your pics for another look and i saw "manspreading" in there. clearly it's an epidemic that needs to be curtailed, even tho the first of your CTA pics is a rather androgynous bag on the seat, but let's be real here... 99% of the time it's some middle aged/ish woman who plops her giant oversized purse down on the seat next to her (rush hour be damned) so nobody could sit there. and of course in the exceedingly rare times someone asks "hey can i sit down" they get the dirtiest look (literally-)ol girl can muster.
but hey in defense of men by calling chicks out on their bullshit, i hate hate hate FUCKING HATE when you're at a bus-stop (especially in the winter) and these women go over there by the seats and sit down so you stand right by where the bus pulls up and make it a point to stand right there to get on so you can get a good seat. but then as you stand there waiting when the bus pulls up all these women pop up out of the woodworks (seriously 3-4 more will show up like where the hell were they? they must have been inside somewhere) and then as you're waiting to go on teh bus they just walk right in front of you like you're not even there righteously indignant that "[THEY WERE] HERE FIRST!" shit as they proceed to treat you like the need-to-check-that-privilege piece of shit that you are by seriously just going on as if you're not even standing right there, sometimes even stepping on your white shoes (which can be ground for death in certain urban neighborhoods! seriously)
hell just yesterday it was the same type thing waiting for a pacebus on golf road. one dumpy middleaged woman was off 10-15ft away kind of sitting on this ledge by a flower area in front of uhhh... a car dealership i think, or alternatively standing on the sidewalk (while i stood there in the dirt in my white shoes no less) and she's pacing around and giving me looks of death and sitting down.... then as the bus pulls up this chick comes within millimeters of giving me one of those traditionally-male "FUCK YOU" bumps as she casually walked RIGHT THE FUCK IN FRONT OF ME and stood there for a second like 2 inches in front of me just to get on the bus before me. i even said "excuse me you know i exist and i''m standing right here" but of course she said nothing and no doubt had a furious pissed off look on her face when i walked by her in her preferred seat (which would ya guess is one for seniors/disabled/strollers/wheelchairs/etc? i can picture one of them getting on and she gives them the look like "I'M A DUMPY MIDDLEAGED BROAD AND I WAS ON THE BUS FIRST. EVER THOUGHT ABOUT GOING BACK IN TIME AND SAVING YOURSELF FROM GETTING DISABLED?
but yeah of course when these chicks do their rotten shit where they just go above and beyond the call of rudeness like you're supposed to acquiesce simply because they're WOMEN and they were technically 10yds away first, i mean, comeon.,,.. shit. this is how it works. on a city bus last week some high school kid did this pimpfresh thing where he timed his stride and angle to get exactly one step in front of me as the bus stopped 3-4ft short of me and that's acceptable. but literally just damn-near/bumping-int-me and especially standing there with your ass nearly rubbing against me (and it's never an ass you want against you) just because you're STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN AND YOU DEMAND NOT JUST EQUALITY BUT JUSTICE AND #KILLALLMEN..... all while never giving up any of your perks of female privilege..... yeah you know you're in the wrong and thats why you very very rarely make any eye contact or definitely don't respond to anything i say like "HOLY SHIT I MUST BE A GHOST BECAUSE I DONT THINK THESE HUMANS CAN SEE ME TODAY! DO GHOSTS HAVE TO PAY A FARE?" --- fuckin beeeeeeeeeeeyotches!
so yeah man while i do shrink up into compact space when people are getting on and give them a chance to sit wherever they desire, you best damn believe that when the bus is moving and there's no people moving aroind on it i'm manspreading like the champ i am.
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?