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 Post subject: Will he be appreciative?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:05 pm 
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One day soon Mike North will start to negotiate his next deal. I think we all know , including Mike, that this deal will have no National Syndication implications and thus will be drastically less, based on only a local show.

Still, the money will just be less and you know Mike will not accept the reason. He will make it public in his own way. He will tell us he does not want to talk about it, because he knows it is stupid to discuss it in public, but he will tell Feder and comment on Feders articles.

The second issue outside of the money will be how this deal gets done. I think the guy who has always felt is in his corner, Mitch Rosen, will be lobbying hard to make sure Mike is just a host and not the asshole he has been to dictate everything the way he wants it.

Thus if Mitch wantd him with Abbatacola in the Mornings, then Mike will do what his EMPLOYER tells him to do. If Mitch tells him to get a real producer with a real idea, he does so.

What I don't think Mike understands is that he got as lucky as anyone could get and he , and only he, produced a below average product, yet we got stuck with him because some fool signed him for a long time for alot of money. This is exactly like an athlete that he would ridicule for being overpaid and not delivering. So when it comes to the guy taking a hit, alot of people will be wanting him to get taken down a notch.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:07 pm 

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heard on more than one occassion guys in his business would love to see him to be taken down a notch.

Imagine being a guy who went to school for journalism, you learned how to write a fluent story and master the english language so you can get a job in sports.

Then this guy who has the intelligence level of an 8th grader comes along, makes a mockery of what you have strived your whole life to do and that guy gets paid in one year 10 times more than you do.

Plus if you don't do what he likes he spends hours on the air making fun of you.

I would say that half the guys he talks to that claiim to be friends with him would love to see him gone.

Here are a few guesses on my behalf

Barry Rosner
Bob Legere
Jim Rose
Zach Zaidman
David Shuster
Ron Gleason
Drew Hayes
Anne Maxfield

I am guessing this list could go on and on

"Woof Woof"

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:55 pm 

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I just don't get the energy spent on ripping Mike North, it is like you HAVE to listen to how BAD he is so you can rip him here and elsewhere. Just reading the posts CONFIRMS I will not listen.

SideshowBob311: "Sadly enough, I think we're the "intelligent" portion of the sports radio fanbase".
"I make fun of whoever sucks, including me"- Harry 11/30/07

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:33 am 
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I almost undertsand their pain.

As I have put before, I don't go out of my way not to listen, but there are many times I have the Score on in the mornings and I can't even believe what I am hearing.

That Bathtub v Hot tub thing was a great example. As soon as he started, I knew he was going to try and make it a topic which alone is an issue and I switched to ESPN.

It seems like many hate him and want him gone. I don't want Mike gone, I just want Mike improved.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:45 pm 
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bigfan wrote:
It seems like many hate him and want him gone. I don't want Mike gone, I just want Mike improved.

Maybe he can improve on mid-days when I'm at work and not listening to the radio. Bring back the Murph & Fred morning show. :roll:

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:40 pm 
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bigfan wrote:
I almost undertsand their pain.

As I have put before, I don't go out of my way not to listen, but there are many times I have the Score on in the mornings and I can't even believe what I am hearing.

That Bathtub v Hot tub thing was a great example. As soon as he started, I knew he was going to try and make it a topic which alone is an issue and I switched to ESPN.

It seems like many hate him and want him gone. I don't want Mike gone, I just want Mike improved.

I understand, but it won't work. The only way he can be improved is for him not to carry a show. Which means, being responsible for somewhere near 50% of the content. Who'd work with him? Doug did, but couldn't bring 50%. Jiggs didn't bring content so much as contrast in styles, and as successful as they were in the day, I don't think he'd do it again. Fred? Annie? Eric Beverly? Puh-lease. It's really the best thing Drinky did, to show that he could contribute as a co-host to that guy, then not having to do it. (He might not have thought that at the time)

Truly, it's an all-or-nothing situation.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:33 pm 

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I'll take the nothing....

SideshowBob311: "Sadly enough, I think we're the "intelligent" portion of the sports radio fanbase".
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:03 pm 
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HappyHour Jason wrote:
I just don't get the energy spent on ripping Mike North, it is like you HAVE to listen to how BAD he is so you can rip him here and elsewhere. Just reading the posts CONFIRMS I will not listen.

Sometime you have to listen to how bad he is to appreciate how bad he is!

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:24 am 

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JROCK1956 wrote:
HappyHour Jason wrote:
I just don't get the energy spent on ripping Mike North, it is like you HAVE to listen to how BAD he is so you can rip him here and elsewhere. Just reading the posts CONFIRMS I will not listen.

Sometime you have to listen to how bad he is to appreciate how bad he is!

I'll take another type of torture.... but thanks!

SideshowBob311: "Sadly enough, I think we're the "intelligent" portion of the sports radio fanbase".
"I make fun of whoever sucks, including me"- Harry 11/30/07

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:44 am 
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I would find it hard to believe that North would sign for less money and stay at The Score. He could be launched and then resurface somewhere else for less cash.
His ego won't allow a decrease in pay at The Score. If he did that, then he would be acknowledging his drop off in skills.
Mike would sound better if he was hooked up with a partner that would challenge his statements. That's quality radio. I loved when Drinky sat in, and I also enjoyed the cross talk with Mike and Brian. But North couldn't handle the counter punches. He knows that he came off sounding like a babbling idiot.
I'm sure I'm like a lot of people. I listen to parts of the show because that's where the radio dial had been left from the previous day. It's funny. It doesn't even take 10 minutes now. He'll come up with some uninformed point or stance on a subject.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:12 pm 
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My 10-20 minutes this morning consisted of North's argument that Mannelly should start at center, with Hester taking the snap out of an extended shotgun formation. That position is stupid enough on its own, but then in defense of this boneheaded argument he returns with, "Well you give me something they can do then" :roll:

Of course, isn't North the same "old school" guy who's been calling for Orton? How about that idea? Or perhaps the taking the playcalling away from Ron Turner? No, everything else is stupid in the world of the hot dog stand...

OB even tried as patiently (as he could) to explain the idiocy of that plan, most of which North ignored in favor of "the times Payton or Tom Matte" started at QB (23 and about 40 yrs. ago respectively) counterpoint(?) Nevermind that Payton could take punishment that Hester can't, or that Matte was actually a QB at Ohio St., and that Hester doesn't even know the plays installed for him at WR. North even tried to amend it by stating that perhaps Kreutz could line up at guard to help make the line calls.(?)

North rode that one until some other meathead came on asking if there is any difference between Michael Vick and Hester, if Hester started at QB. I think he and North actually attempted to imply that they'd be about the same, but that you could even put Griese in the backfield w/Hester for the possibities of lateralling to him to pass downfield.

If this made no sense to you, sorry, hearing it on a 50K watt station in the number 3 mkt. after a Bears bye week made no sense to me either. :evil:

My head still aches...

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:47 pm 
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I’m glad that my drive to the train station shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. It’s about all I can take of North and yet rarely does he fail to deliver. By that I mean rarely does he make me want to keep the radio on, or wish that my train wasn’t coming, or that I had planned to get out of the house a few minutes early in order to hear more of what he has to say.

I greatly prefer to hear something local over national, and not because I’m too parochial but because the “national element” is centered around Boston-New York with elements of Philadelphia and Washington, and it is of little relevance in such a short period of time.

Makes me long for the days of Tom Shaer (duplicitous company man) and Jim Memolo, at least the idiocy level wasn’t insufferable.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:07 pm 
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No Clever Moniker wrote:
Makes me long for the days of Tom Shaer (duplicitous company man) and Jim Memolo, at least the idiocy level wasn’t insufferable.

Talk about a low standard...that morning sports radio fails to meet :x

There are only two examples of infinity: The universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.

 Post subject: Hester at QB
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:57 pm 

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I absolutely could not believe my ears when Northy kept pressing the issue of Hester at QB. I actually give OB a ton of credit for keeping his cool. He made salient point after point to diffuse North's idiocy as to why this wouldn't work, and North of course reacted like a 4th grader. "At least I am coming up with a solution!"

Ugh. I finally turned it off for good when he kept trying to pound the Payton argument ("he did it and ran for 175 yards - it can be done!"). Same thing with Matte back in the day. Of course Mike failed to mention that - in both of those instances - the Bears and Colts LOST THE GAME!

Goofball radio. Fred has taken over for Dave Wills as my least favorite Chicago sportsradio "personality". He is awful. I hope Dahl in morning drive is good.....

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:05 pm 
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I've always said the main reason I don't like Pappy is simply because he's stupid. This is yet another example. I don't know how the Score could possibly bring him back.

It's not the format or the partners or anything else. He wouldn't be better with an equal partner. He'll always be stupid. He'll always be a bad listen.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:13 pm 

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This was our Mike North Morning show folks.....

The Show's Daily Log


Monday Nov. 5th

Jesse Rogers filling in for Jen (Nothing like a Jesse Rogers thought first thing on a Monday.)

6:20 Offensive Line Grades for the Bears (Maybe Hester should be put at tackle.)

6:35 Mike says Devin Hester should take every snap at QB (This is what the score gets for 1.7 Mil.)

7:20 O.B. joins the show. He and Mike discuss Hester at QB (OB should have come in and beat Norths ass)

8:11 The Bookie Priest gives his picks: The Ravens +9 and The over 36 (Bookie Priest? He still thinks this is a good bit?)

8:23 Mike gives Kudos to National American Italian Sports Hall of Fame (Of Course he does)

Mike jagbags CBS Management (Was else is new?)

8:30 Mike retells a Tommy Lasorda story from Friday night(Yay, another broing ass story no one cares about)

8:40 Lawrence Holmes joins the show with the Bear Report (No breaking storys)

9:00 Ron Zook joins the show (Time for Mike to kiss butt)

9:15 Mike talks about the cubs outfield (Mike thinks letting CLiff Floyd is a bad idea, brilliant)

9:22 Mike reads emails (Yes, Bebe emailed them before Mike left)

9:30 Mike talks about Kobe/Bulls problems (Now Mike wants Kobe)


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:19 pm 
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FredsMissingNuts wrote:
This was our Mike North Morning show folks.....

The Show's Daily Log


Monday Nov. 5th

Jesse Rogers filling in for Jen (Nothing like a Jesse Rogers thought first thing on a Monday.)

6:20 Offensive Line Grades for the Bears (Maybe Hester should be put at tackle.)

6:35 Mike says Devin Hester should take every snap at QB (This is what the score gets for 1.7 Mil.)

7:20 O.B. joins the show. He and Mike discuss Hester at QB (OB should have come in and beat Norths ass)

8:11 The Bookie Priest gives his picks: The Ravens +9 and The over 36 (Bookie Priest? He still thinks this is a good bit?)

8:23 Mike gives Kudos to National American Italian Sports Hall of Fame (Of Course he does)

Mike jagbags CBS Management (Was else is new?)

8:30 Mike retells a Tommy Lasorda story from Friday night(Yay, another broing ass story no one cares about)

8:40 Lawrence Holmes joins the show with the Bear Report (No breaking storys)

9:00 Ron Zook joins the show (Time for Mike to kiss butt)

9:15 Mike talks about the cubs outfield (Mike thinks letting CLiff Floyd is a bad idea, brilliant)

9:22 Mike reads emails (Yes, Bebe emailed them before Mike left)

9:30 Mike talks about Kobe/Bulls problems (Now Mike wants Kobe)

Sounds like a great show. :lol:

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:40 pm 

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SideshowBob311: "Sadly enough, I think we're the "intelligent" portion of the sports radio fanbase".
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:41 pm 
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Jason, why do you screw with these North folks like this? This is the CSFMB equivalent of special ed class.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:43 pm 
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Kid Cairo wrote:
Jason, why do you screw with these North folks like this? This is the CSFMB equivalent of special ed class.

I'm pretty sure that the entire CSFMB is the equivalent of a special ed class.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:45 pm 

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Kid, I JUST DON'T GET IT.... he is SO Bad why why why do people listen?

SideshowBob311: "Sadly enough, I think we're the "intelligent" portion of the sports radio fanbase".
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:52 pm 
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Does anyone here remember Tiny Tim?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:56 pm 
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JROCK1956 wrote:
Does anyone here remember Tiny Tim?

Wasn't he some high-pitched hippie who used to play a ukulele?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:58 pm 

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Kid Cairo wrote:
JROCK1956 wrote:
Does anyone here remember Tiny Tim?

Wasn't he some high-pitched hippie who used to play a ukulele?

On crutches....

SideshowBob311: "Sadly enough, I think we're the "intelligent" portion of the sports radio fanbase".
"I make fun of whoever sucks, including me"- Harry 11/30/07

 Post subject: Will he be appreciative
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:17 pm 

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I havent listened to "Shock jock wanna be" Mike North in at least 8 years or so,i check here just to see how stupid he still is........when ever i hear his voice i change the dial...and i dont go back to the score for the rest of the day.The guy throws shit against the wall to get a cheap reaction.
I know a lot of guys like North, they would be the guys with the black eye and a bloody lip sitting at the end of a bar in many a Chicago bar

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:04 pm 
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HappyHour Jason wrote:
Kid Cairo wrote:
JROCK1956 wrote:
Does anyone here remember Tiny Tim?

Wasn't he some high-pitched hippie who used to play a ukulele?

On crutches....

And admitting to wearing Depends on the Stern show... :shock:

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:39 am 
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Kid Cairo wrote:
JROCK1956 wrote:
Does anyone here remember Tiny Tim?

Wasn't he some high-pitched hippie who used to play a ukulele?

That's the one! And he was really bad but he made a lot of money and people loved him. So I guess there is no accounting for taste in this world!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:53 pm 

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JROCK1956 wrote:
Kid Cairo wrote:
JROCK1956 wrote:
Does anyone here remember Tiny Tim?

Wasn't he some high-pitched hippie who used to play a ukulele?

That's the one! And he was really bad but he made a lot of money and people loved him. So I guess there is no accounting for taste in this world!

There is no accounting for taste- people listen to Mike North!

SideshowBob311: "Sadly enough, I think we're the "intelligent" portion of the sports radio fanbase".
"I make fun of whoever sucks, including me"- Harry 11/30/07

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:48 pm 
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HappyHour Jason wrote:
JROCK1956 wrote:
Kid Cairo wrote:
JROCK1956 wrote:
Does anyone here remember Tiny Tim?

Wasn't he some high-pitched hippie who used to play a ukulele?

That's the one! And he was really bad but he made a lot of money and people loved him. So I guess there is no accounting for taste in this world!

There is no accounting for taste- people listen to Mike North!


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