conns7901 wrote:
19 to get into bars at U of I was always the reason to visit in college. Avoiding the tickets for under age consumption when you left the bars could get difficult at times.
oh man, did they have a bunch of str8up cops setting a trap outside a la the "Normal Breath Squad!" (down there for illinois state / wesleyan in normal IL?) or did they employ a bunch of plainclothes officers to inter-mingle with the crowds and try to spot the underage drinkers and then you get outside and whatever the inverse/opposite of STEAK DINNER. BOOM! is ensues?
regardless, i hate shit like that. i also find it amusing the one time i went down to U of I proper to "party" it was because a friend of a friend (and the friend had a box called smoke on his dns, good for! =) was harvesting like 3-4lbs of blueberry dank nugs and yeah, even tho i missed most of the proper party+djing because i was trying to bag an internet chick who was a self-proclaimed recovering ex-raver and therefore (using the parlance of 2015) SHE WAS GETTING HEAVILY TRIGGERED BY ALL OF THE DRINKING AND SMOKING AND SHE CAN'T BE AROUND TECHNO MUSIC AND STROBE LIGHTS AND DRINKING AND DRUGGING!!!! AGHHHH!!!!
so of course we ended up at HER FRIENDS' HOUSE where we hung out in a big room with a bunch of tweakers who started off the late night sneaking off to the bathroom in this oddly consistent order of ppl every ~20-30mins, and then for most of the night they were all basically coming down from meth/speed/ice/whatever and all kinds of ARRGGGHHHH and dirty and nasty and semantically-tweakers (if your definition of a "tweaker" is someone who frequently searches the carpeting for meth because "[they] know [they] saw a huge piece fall down there!"
MORAL OF THE STORY = DON'T LET INTERNET PUSSY SCREW YOUR WORLD UP! fortunately for me i caught the aftermath by late-afternoon sunday right b4 i was due to head home, and between eating a few brownies and smoking some str8up KEEF (not to be confused with the legendary chicago rapper/wordsmith/poet, i mean smoking actual marijuana crystals as opposed to the standard fare of crystallized buds/nuggets) i remember leaving at ~5-6pm or whatever nad getting home at ~9-10pm or whatever and i was STILL STONED AS A MOTHERFUCKER when i got home later at night. that was phenomenal.
and of course ol girl, whose aesthetic test/s i failed right away from first glance despite furnishing honest pictures of myself (sorry i dont pull my shirt up and focus on my unflattering corporeal form), was never to be seen or heard from again. and i went and had a str8up picnic with this bitch! c'est la FUCKING vie, no?
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?