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PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:51 pm 
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Bernstein openly speculating on DNA swabbing of Kane in his attorney's Office (with no evidence that it ever happened), even the senile Boers couldn't follow him and his bullshit black helicopter area 51 I think this is whats happening rantings.

This shit for brains has no idea what he is talking about.

If Kane gets charged, his defense will be CONSENT, so what is the evidentiary value of his DNA being anywhere on or near the victim (none, defendant will say it is rough sex). If the DNA is negative, the defense is WE NEVER HAD SEX.

His understanding of chain of custody, criminal forensics, DNA Analysis, how to prosecute a case, how to try a criminal case, how to prepare a defense, how to preserve the rights of your client as an advocate is laughable at best and extremely reckless at worst. The shit he and Rozner have said 2 weeks ago, if performed in Buffalo; would certainly be evidence proffered in a change of venue motion as a brazen attempt to poison any potential jury pool against the defendant. Being that he is a stone cold SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR, remember forensics are good if they convict a white guy line KANE, but if they exonerate a police officer like Darren Wilson, it's a POLICE CONSPIRACY. Remember, the rights of the accused are present in Bernsie's world, unless he doesn't like you in which case you are guilty upon reporting, and to talk to him about being reckless in terms of what is said by a member of the fourth estate makes you a Kaner meathead Blackhawks apologist (like all of those "other" media guys) not helping the rights of the victim. I mean God forbid if he gets lester munson or Sam Adam Jr. or Rick Beuke on the air and talk to them about it.

hey north shore, if you wanted to be an attorney like your pappy, you should not have jock sniffed in Rockford and actually went to law school and learned about what the hell you are talking about, but if you are not liked by the great BERNISE, you are guilty until proven innocent.

I have no idea what happened that night at Kane's house, the Buffalo DA should shit or get off the pot, but for this guy to say what he says on the radio is total bullshit based on nothing but wild speculation,

I love this shitbag talking out his ass what a fucking know it all moron, he better tender all of his statements with "THIS IS MY OPINION..." or he could wind up in a civil court if Kane is not charged.

He still will be in the hallways in the bowels of the United Center after the Hawks games, putting his face in the ass of John McDounough's sattraps getting autographs with his precious son, kissing ass and taking names with the "good" non-rapey Blackhawks like Dan Carcillo.


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:10 am 
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Kane's guilty as shit, but all this really comes down to is that Dan has been resentful of being obligated to talk Blackhawks since the day they hired John McDonough and this, like the Cheryl Scott stuff, is him getting back at the media and listener pressure he's been under.

Molly Lambert wrote:
The future holds the possibility to be great or terrible, and since it has not yet occurred it remains simultaneously both.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:19 pm 
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CH, you seem to be trying to say a lot by spraying to all fields but a little elaboration would go a long way.
  • Kaner is slam dunk guilty because...?
  • Dan hates hockey/loves John McDonough (your pick)
  • Which leads to the trashy (at best) if not slanderous comments he once made about Cheryl Scott
  • Not really sure about the "pressure" aspect from the media, and as for pressure from the fans he's in total control with no comments to what he writes, block (and the proper authorities) on twitter, and a supportive sound engineer who makes sure that Dan's voice is heard.

This is the kind of fodder I come to CSFMB so that I can handle any and all sports discussions from people who think I know the answer (or give a shit about their question).


PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:21 pm 
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Later, rpb

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:28 pm 
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Curious Hair wrote:
Kane's guilty as shit, but all this really comes down to is that Dan has been resentful of being obligated to talk Blackhawks since the day they hired John McDonough and this, like the Cheryl Scott stuff, is him getting back at the media and listener pressure he's been under.

Wouldn't shock me if it eventually turned out he did something but why "guilty as shit" at this point of the process?

I guess if you see someone pulling out of a bar parking lot at 3am on a Saturday they're probably "guilty as shit" or a person driving a $100K car in the parking lot of public housing might be "guilty as shit" but not how it should work.

Kenny Williams fell for the banana in the tailpipe

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:42 pm 
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Dan reaction to City of Fools


I'm going to bounce from the spot for awhile but I will be back at some point to argue with you about this hoops stuff again. Playoffs have been great this season. See ya up the road.

I'm out.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:47 pm 
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Someone check Cheryl Scott for bite marks!!!

STU-GOTZ wrote:
Well Mac told me to to tell you to go FUCK YOURSELF!!! ..So now it's been said .. .

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:12 pm 
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rogers park bryan wrote:
Later, rpb

That's some good recall.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:43 pm 
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Gloopan Kuratz wrote:
Someone check Cheryl Scott for bite marks!!!

I volunteer!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:32 pm 
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Wanted to hear some Cubs talk when I got in the car, and instead got an hour of why Dan can't connect with Bruce Springsteen and how Terry loves Paul Revere.

To IkeSouth, bigfan wrote:
Are you stoned or pissed off, or both, when you create these postings?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:47 pm 
1000 CLUB
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Curious Hair wrote:
Kane's guilty as shit, but all this really comes down to is that Dan has been resentful of being obligated to talk Blackhawks since the day they hired John McDonough and this, like the Cheryl Scott stuff, is him getting back at the media and listener pressure he's been under.

1) Kane hasn't been charged with a crime; he's only guilty in the minds of some in the public.

2) Bernstein is irresponsible. The next time he goes on a his high horse about how to report a story, he should be called out for his behavior on this story. His partner(s) are puppets and that's a shame that he's allowed to go unchallenged by that entire station when such rhetoric is left unchallenged and/or becomes the talking points for every other host to recite from.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:48 pm 
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Jaw Breaker wrote:
why Dan can't connect with Bruce Springsteen

Populist pandering! Lawyers work just as hard if not harder.

Molly Lambert wrote:
The future holds the possibility to be great or terrible, and since it has not yet occurred it remains simultaneously both.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:53 pm 
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Curious Hair wrote:
Jaw Breaker wrote:
why Dan can't connect with Bruce Springsteen

Populist pandering! Lawyers work just as hard if not harder.

Lol, he actually did put forth the possibility it was because he didn't identify with the blue collar folks from New Jersey (and neither does his wife, who is from there).

To IkeSouth, bigfan wrote:
Are you stoned or pissed off, or both, when you create these postings?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:57 pm 
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Jaw Breaker wrote:
Lol, he actually did put forth the possibility it was because he didn't identify with the blue collar folks from New Jersey (and neither does his wife, who is from there).

Eric B. and Rakim, though, their life was his life.

Molly Lambert wrote:
The future holds the possibility to be great or terrible, and since it has not yet occurred it remains simultaneously both.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:21 pm 

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Jaw Breaker wrote:
Terry loves Paul Revere.

The patriot, of and the raiders, or the horsy?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:39 am 
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Walt Williams Neck wrote:
Dan reaction to City of Fools



PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:54 am 
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Spaulding wrote:
Jaw Breaker wrote:
Terry loves Paul Revere.

The horsy?

I did it like this
I did it like that
I did it with a Wiffle ball bat, so....

Good people drink good beer - Hunter S. Thompson


Waiting for the time when I can finally say
That this has all been wonderful, but now I'm on my way

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