now julie is going to the full-on SJW/internet-feminist playbook...

Julie DiCaro @JulieDiCaro 10m10 minutes ago
This is why people are advising me to travel aiwth mace and a taser:
btw guys, this account has exactly 1 tweet (that one up there) and is otherwise brand new.... so while it's indeed possible that someone decided to make a twitter dupe account just to threaten julie (so they dont get in trouble on their main/proper account) it's also possible that someone sympathetic to julie** went and made this account to "false flag" an accusation at her so she could RT is and go "SEE?! LOOK?!?! I'M GETTING THREATENED!!! THE PRO-KANE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY AND SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE!!!!
in the bnf/gg case, that zoe quinn chick likely created bogus twitter accounts to send herself serious threats in order to portray herself as a victim of harassment/threats which she could parlay into tv appearances (where she talked about her "ordeal") and hell she's even speaking @ the UN about "online violence" (which is one hell of an oxymoron IMO) in the near future
** = i dont wanna say julie herself or anyone aligned with her cuz i dont have any clue who it actually is, but for however likely it is that someone created a dupe just to threaten her "anonymously" (ip logs can suss this out) it's just as possible that someone made this account to send her a threat so she could have a flagrant example of harassment that she'll whip out whenever she wants to portray herself as a victim of harassment. i mean she's already screencapped the tweet just like zoe quinn was doing, so i'm not saying but #ImJustSayin..............#TonysDeli
so yeap, now i'm figuring out what the next story will be if kaner is innocent/not-charged.... we'll get a column from dan/others about how this whole kane case/situation showed us the DANGEROUS levels of fanboyism out there and how misogyny is very real and very much a threat in 2015 because the score's own julie dicaro had been advised to carry mace and a taser, if not have a police escort as much as possible, thanks to death threats she received (cue picture of that tweet up there) in the wake of her covering the patrick kane story.
so it'll be like SHAME ON YOU / SOCIETY/CHICAGO HAS A MISOGYNY PROBLEM and we'll all be reminded about how toxic masculinity has us going around acting out our misogyny by threatening the lives of brave female reporters like julie dicaro who are just trying to do their job.... so even if the kane story ends up being a big nothing we'll hear about how it was still important because it showed everyone just how messed up as a society we are (and of course, what we need to do in order to better ourselves... i'm sure they have ideas too)