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 Post subject: The Meatball Demographic
PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:43 am 
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Maybe I misheard the meatball on North's show

"Mike, I got 2 nephews that attend Notre Dame and I would like to thank you for coaching at Notre Dame."

1. My kid is only 2 but I just can't see any scenario that I want Mike North involved in my childs education or even his athletic experience.

2. It's not even his kids that attend the school, nor do his nephews play basketball, so why is he thanking North.

I don't care what ND High School odes, but I do have to question why they are doing this, as I could see more bad things happen, then good things?

""I am now done at the Score."
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:02 am 

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I have never understood this - Mike did not play high school ball ( I believe), has no credentials as a youth coach, and has now credibility as an educator of any kind. He is a high school dropout - and he's coaching and guiding young men at a college prep school?

The other day he had Jim Whitesell from Loyola on - and after the interview, he makes the comment that now he ( and the other coaches) would send the ND kids to Loyola (among a select group of schools). After hearing that, what parent with a kid who is good enough to play at the level would allow that meatball to influence their kids? What parent in their right mind would want this guy near their kid?

I don't know how North rangled this - perhaps the new leadership at the school ( isn't Smith from Merriville now involved?) But if he is a prominent spokesperson for the school, I wonder how many prospective parents say no the school. There are far better academoic options in th area than ND .

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:36 am 
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I applaud anyone who is willing to give of his time to children for little or no compensation. Some of you need to seriously consider how hate blinds your judgement.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:57 am 

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I applaud anyone who is willing to give of his time to children for little or no compensation. Some of you need to seriously consider how hate blinds your judgement.

That would be nice if it were true. Mike is doing this for a few reasons and none of it has to do with them.

1. This brings attention to HIM.

2. He thinks this will lead to good material on his bad show, which it doesnt.

3. He is being compensated, but you wont here about that. I know this to be fact, PM me and I will tell you why, but I wont post it here.

Mike is doing this because its good for Mike, no other reason.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:06 pm 
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Sounds like a tease to me.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:45 pm 
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FredsMissingNuts wrote:
3. He is being compensated, but you wont here about that. I know this to be fact, PM me and I will tell you why, but I wont post it here.

Well then why even bring it up? The only thing I can think of when I read statements like this is that the author is either full of garbage or is attention deprived to a degree where he craves to fulfill it on this board.

I know you're a long time guy and I like your work (aside from your deplorable investigative reporting on Hood and the fact that you are blinded by Cubbie love,) and, unlike a significant volume of stuff here, I read and recognize your postings. But come one, man, what's with this I know something that you don't stuff. Don't even say it if you don't feel like it's something to be said in public.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:03 pm 

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Coach Crapowski wrote:
FredsMissingNuts wrote:
3. He is being compensated, but you wont here about that. I know this to be fact, PM me and I will tell you why, but I wont post it here.

Well then why even bring it up? The only thing I can think of when I read statements like this is that the author is either full of garbage or is attention deprived to a degree where he craves to fulfill it on this board.

I know you're a long time guy and I like your work (aside from your deplorable investigative reporting on Hood and the fact that you are blinded by Cubbie love,) and, unlike a significant volume of stuff here, I read and recognize your postings. But come one, man, what's with this I know something that you don't stuff. Don't even say it if you don't feel like it's something to be said in public.

+1. Why can't you tell us here?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:12 pm 
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Fred's Missing Nuts + NSJ = MATCH! :lol:

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:13 pm 
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FredsMissingNuts wrote:
I applaud anyone who is willing to give of his time to children for little or no compensation. Some of you need to seriously consider how hate blinds your judgement.

That would be nice if it were true. Mike is doing this for a few reasons and none of it has to do with them.

1. This brings attention to HIM.

2. He thinks this will lead to good material on his bad show, which it doesnt.

3. He is being compensated, but you wont here about that. I know this to be fact, PM me and I will tell you why, but I wont post it here.

Mike is doing this because its good for Mike, no other reason.

I don't believe this to be true

1. There are far better ways to get attention than putting in 20 or so hours of week for a high school basketball team.

2. There are better ways to get material

3. I assume there is some compensation that is offered. However, high school coaches are woefully underpaid. I remember one of my coaches saying he was paid $1,500 to coach baseball. The guy probably put in 30-40 hours a week from February-June plus offseasons for that amount. I imagine that coaches today are probably also paid what would be less than minimum wage if they calculated their hours.

There is no way in the world that a man who makes almost 2 million per year is putting in those kind of hours to squeeze out a little extra money. He could do appearances on weekends and probably top what he would make as a high school coach in less than a month.

The fact is, every decision in our life is motivated by more than a single incentive. If Mike receives good PR for this work, I have no probelm with that. He is earning the recognition. This is not just a matter of a celeb throwing money at a cause. He is actually working. Any PR he receives also brings some attention to a worthy organization.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:56 pm 

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I don't hate MIke - I simply don't seet the value he brings to a team ( that in the past has a pretty successful track record)
He doesn't have the background or credentials to teach/coach the game. As a parent, i'd like to know who is coaching my kids and what their background is -

Perhaps I'm wrong about his credentials - Good Dolphin, do you have the info on that?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:59 pm 
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The whole Mike North section on the board should be blown up so I can piss on the remains.

Every day I come to this section hoping to read something original but alas, it is not to be.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:12 pm 

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Ok, first of all, I dont crave attention, I get plenty of it from Sox fans who dont like me, anyway, simply put, I know for a fact that Mike is getting a bonus from the board ( Rev. Klees and Ms. Peterson are not reall happy North is there by the way) to do this, just like anyone would, the fact that he doesnt bring it up, says volumes.

As far as the other $$ he is getting for this, lets just say...there was a agreement between him and rev. smyth. Mike North doesnt do shit for free, anyone who has dealt with him, knows that.

He can and will deny it, but truth being told, Mikey will walk away at the end of the year with 5k, which happens to be same as his personal apperance fee. Sorta ironic.

For the record, my son goes there, but only plays football and I was amazed when three or four parents raised some concern about North doing this, but Rev. Smyth bascially refused to speak with us for weeks on this matter and once he did, he stated right away, this was going to happen. So as long as he stays away from my kid, I dont care at this point, but something will happen, North will say or do something to make Rev. Smyth regret this.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:16 pm 

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Thanks for the info - I had heard simliar rumors ( I have friends who sons play at ND in baseball/basketball) but never gave details.

My guess is that North leaves after this year - on his own-

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:25 pm 
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FredsMissingNuts wrote:
He can and will deny it, but truth being told, Mikey will walk away at the end of the year with 5k, which happens to be same as his personal apperance fee. Sorta ironic.


As I said before, this is a pittance. It probably does not cover his expenses and is most likely in line with what the rest of the staff is paid. That is a complete non story.

Credentials? He is a person who knows something about basketball who wants to help. There is room for people like that at high schools thoughout the city.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:42 pm 
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good dolphin wrote:

As I said before, this is a pittance. It probably does not cover his expenses and is most likely in line with what the rest of the staff is paid. That is a complete non story.

Credentials? He is a person who knows something about basketball who wants to help. There is room for people like that at high schools thoughout the city.

his expenses? what are his expenses? driving to and from the school in a car that he gets to lease for free?

there are also much more knowledgable 25 year old teachers (who actually played the game?) who would love an additional 5k stipend on top of that 28k catholic h.s. salary.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:51 pm 
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[quote="doug - evergreen park
there are also much more knowledgable 25 year old teachers (who actually played the game?) who would love an additional 5k stipend on top of that 28k catholic h.s. salary.[/quote]

There are affluent public schools where the younger teachers are literally forced into coaching sports because no one wants to do it. It becomes a right of passage to pass a sport on to the newest crop of teachers. If a person wants a coaching job in the chicago area, there are spots available.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:59 pm 
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you failed to answer my question.

and if you think that a teacher at a catholic h.s. can willingly coach sports at a public h.s., then you are not that familiar with the "keep it in the family" mentality of many catholic high schools in the area.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:10 pm 
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doug - evergreen park wrote:
you failed to answer my question.


Right...because I am obliged to do so. :roll:

Expenses would probably be limited to travel and little perks for the team. It really is irrelevant because you would be hard pressed to call $5,000 an incentive to a person who makes 1.7 million for the amount of work that it takes to coach a high school team. This is more true when you consider that, as someone else pointed out, he can make that for one appearance.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:16 pm 
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doug - evergreen park wrote:
and if you think that a teacher at a catholic h.s. can willingly coach sports at a public h.s., then you are not that familiar with the "keep it in the family" mentality of many catholic high schools in the area.

If a person wanted to coach, why would he limit himself only to the school he teaches or a catholic school. It's not like there is a higher calling in the athletic department at a catholic school.

I'm more than a decade removed from the catholic high school experience. When I was there, we had basketball, baseball and track coaches who were not teachers at the school.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:19 pm 
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good dolphin wrote:
I applaud anyone who is willing to give of his time to children for little or no compensation. Some of you need to seriously consider how hate blinds your judgement.

I think this sums up this thread quite well.

North could save 12 kids from a burning building and some people wouldn't want to give the guy any credit. He donates his time (there's no way he's doing it for the money), he seems to enjoy it. What's the big deal?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:21 pm 

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Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I applaud anyone who is willing to give of his time to children for little or no compensation. Some of you need to seriously consider how hate blinds your judgement.

I think this sums up this thread quite well.

North could save 12 kids from a burning building and some people wouldn't want to give the guy any credit. He donates his time (there's no way he's doing it for the money), he seems to enjoy it. What's the big deal?

What's the big deal? Read any thread in this section- he's not very well liked, he says racy/racist comments, overall seems to be a jerk. Who would want their kids around that?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:28 pm 
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Why would you say he seems to be a jerk. He seems to be generally well liked and generous.

He may be ignorant, but if I judged the coaches I have run into on their level of ignorance, few would be worthy of coaching.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:28 pm 
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My high school basketball coach broke a clipboard over a kid's head and that guy was up for state coaching Hall of Fame induction the last I heard.

He wouldn't be the first jerky guy to be a coach. He said some stupid and inflammatory things on the radio in an effort to get ratings.

Should he never again be accepted in society in his personal life?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:32 pm 
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o.k. fine...were they teachers at all? Did they have kids that went to the school and were on the team? Were they allumni?

if some of you fail to see the difference between the Frosh English Teacher who makes 28k and would love the opportunity for the 5k stipend vs. the radio host who makes 1.7 million and is getting paid, then I will make my way out of this thread and stick to the MJH forums.

I would only applaud Mike if he was volunteering. But, based upon Fred'sMissingNuts (who seems to know a bit about this) he is not doing so.

If in fact he is, then I just apologi.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:44 pm 
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doug - evergreen park wrote:
I would only applaud Mike if he was volunteering. But, based upon Fred'sMissingNuts (who seems to know a bit about this) he is not doing so.

Yeah, screw everybody who gets paid to do things, people should only be given credit if they do stuff for free. :roll:

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:53 pm 
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exactly, especially if they don't call attention to themselves doing said things.

...28K vs. 1M.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:12 pm 
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Are you saying North shouldn't be allowed to do this because he makes too much money?

Or that he should forego the wages that the position would/might pay because he's got enough money already?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:29 pm 
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I think someone who needs the money should have the opportunity...I also suspect that there are more qualified individuals that fit that category.

I doubt he needs the extra 5k.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:45 pm 

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Listen, I dont care if he gets paid, thats not my issue. My issue is a guy who has made several racist comments and has a dysfunctional thought process in the way he looks at things, is getting a chance to spew and spread that crap to kids. That is wrong, spin it all you want, this pig shouldnt be around kids and when NDHS allows it, I have a problem with it.

I wish I knew more why Rev Smyth is allowing this, because if one public school has such a issue with him, that they change their mind on naming a field after the guy, it makes me wonder why the one my kids goes to doesnt.

Do I like North, no, I dont and it pisses me off that the school that my kid goes to thinks its ok to have a asst. B-Ball coach who has conducted himself in such a poor manner over the years, (calling in to the score while drunk and driving, borderline racist comments, disrespect for woman and so on) finds it ok to bring him on. I dont like it, but its done, so I can deal with it, but the next time the guy says or does something over the line, Rev Smyth will have to answer for it, its on him.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:52 pm 
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Yeah, I agree with that. North is of questionable character, at best, no question. But, that's up to the school.

I don't know North's motivation and don't care. If he wants to do this, maybe he's trying to be a better human being. Who knows?

If the school is willing to give him the opportunity and he assumes the responsibility and does it with respect, then there should be no issue. But, I don't blame North.

If you have an issue with the school about it, I don't blame you. That comes down to how much faith you have in that school's administration, that they would make the right decision regarding who they are putting in positions of authority.

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