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What to do with the Muslims in America
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:56 am 
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Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
I don't think the Koran is evil. I don't think the overwhelming majority of Muslims/people are evil. I sorry if you do.

The Koran is definitely evil. And if by "Muslim" you mean people that believe in the Koran and Hadith, then yeah, they're evil.

Nas wrote:
You say that you have Muslim friends and I doubt that you think they are evil.

My nominally Muslim friends don't believe that gays should be killed or that women are second class citizens. If they did, they wouldn't be my friends. That's why I say I support Muslims that don';t believe in the Koran or the Hadith. They probably shouldn't really be called Muslims.

Nas wrote:
I'm confident that you didn't believe Muhammad Ali was evil and you probably supported him. You probably didn't think Malcolm X was evil (Especially when he became El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz).

The Black Muslims aren't really Muslim. Unless you can find me a Koran with Elijah Muhammad in it. It's a black empowerment movement that certainly had its place and possibly still does.

Nice response to their ridiculous rational.

The Doctor Of Style wrote:
Caleb Williams isn't really a "true" rookie because he turned 23 late into his 1st season in the NFL!"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:59 am 
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Regular Reader wrote:
Nas wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
I support any Muslim that doesn't believe in the Koran or the Hadith.


Again, why would you support anyone with evil beliefs and ideas? It seems like you're granting Islam special status simply because its fuckedupedness has been around for many centuries.

I don't think the Koran is evil. I don't think the overwhelming majority of Muslims/people are evil. I sorry if you do.

You say that you have Muslim friends and I doubt that you think they are evil. I'm confident that you didn't believe Muhammad Ali was evil and you probably supported him. You probably didn't think Malcolm X was evil (Especially when he became El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz).

That's kind of the thing of it to me. You & I (& maybe JORR) grew up around a lot of Nation of Islam Muslims. On some items they talked especially loud, but there was a reason/rationale they argued, rightly or not. They were/are generally normal, and but for liquor & the women's clothing, weren't all that different from the typical south or west sider. I have a hard time equating them with Middle Eastern Muslims, nor some of their extreme beliefs. But I always view them as Muslims difficult to demonize.

But foreign Muslims in this country are something of a different person, at least to me.

For some reason it feels like I have come across a lot of foreign Muslims. Most from the NW suburbs. Many of the men appeared to have problems with women (same is true of many American men) but beyond that I never believed the majority of them hated America.

Be well


PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:04 am 
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Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:

The Black Muslims aren't really Muslim. Unless you can find me a Koran with Elijah Muhammad in it. It's a black empowerment movement that certainly had its place and possibly still does.

Why aren't they? Do you think they're reading the Bible? Elijah Muhammad used black empowerment as a vehicle for recruitment of blacks into Islam. What about white Muslims?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:07 am 
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Nas wrote:
For some reason it feels like I have come across a lot of foreign Muslims. Most from the NW suburbs. Many of the men appeared to have problems with women (same is true of many American men) but beyond that I never believed the majority of them hated America.

I have felt the same way. The only distinction being that once many younger Muslims I've met began to feel even modestly marginalized, the extreme/worst ideas came out pretty quickly. Many thought I was Iranian, especially with a girlfriend who spoke Farsi & Arabic and didn't feel uncomfortable speaking freely around me. It generally seemed like typical wolfing BS from young guys, but "different".

Once I didn't follow in lockstep with their anger, I quickly felt like an outsider.

There are only two examples of infinity: The universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:09 am 
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Nas wrote:
Elijah Muhammad used black empowerment as a vehicle for recruitment of blacks into Islam.

I think you have that backward.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:17 am 

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Regular Reader wrote:
Nas wrote:
For some reason it feels like I have come across a lot of foreign Muslims. Most from the NW suburbs. Many of the men appeared to have problems with women (same is true of many American men) but beyond that I never believed the majority of them hated America.

I have felt the same way. The only distinction being that once many younger Muslims I've met began to feel even modestly marginalized, the extreme/worst ideas came out pretty quickly. Many thought I was Iranian, especially with a girlfriend who spoke Farsi & Arabic and didn't feel uncomfortable speaking freely around me. It generally seemed like typical wolfing BS from young guys, but "different".

Once I didn't follow in lockstep with their anger, I quickly felt like an outsider.

That's what I don't believe should exist here and what needs to be kept out.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:29 am 
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Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
Elijah Muhammad used black empowerment as a vehicle for recruitment of blacks into Islam.

I think you have that backward.

No. Muhammad always called Islam the "Black man's religion". The main distinction being that it wasn't the Christianity forced upon Blacks or Black slaves in this country to keep us subservient. Black empowerment/knowledge of self was always first in the old days.

There are only two examples of infinity: The universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:45 am 
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Nothing is basically what will be done with them. The United States has been unwilling to discriminate against Muslims. All of the terrorists in 9/11 were Muslims, but every American has to take off their shoes at the airport. The current administration is too much in bed with Muslims here and abroad to do anything about it. The only one who might do something about it is Trump.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:46 am 
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Drake LaRrieta wrote:
Nothing is basically what will be done with them. The United States has been unwilling to discriminate against Muslims. All of the terrorists in 9/11 were Muslims, but every American has to take off their shoes at the airport. The current administration is too much in bed with Muslims here and abroad to do anything about it. The only one who might do something about it is Trump.


Be well


PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:53 am 
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Terry's Peeps wrote:
They are a potential threat to our way of life.

How do we keep ourselves safe?

What do you do to curb terrorism?

In time like this, we need to ask, "what would will smith do?"

I think we have our answer.


The Doctor Of Style wrote:
Caleb Williams isn't really a "true" rookie because he turned 23 late into his 1st season in the NFL!"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:59 am 
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Nas wrote:
Juiced wrote:
Sir Loin Of Beef wrote:
Nas wrote:
Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

It is sad that ignorance and fear rule a great part of the American citizenry.

I think the victims of the terrorist attacks in the US would disagree with you. How is it ignorant to recognize a threat and try to protect your loved ones? It is ignorant to ignore what is happening around you and pretend it doesn't exist.

What is happening? How many of the tens of thousands of murders that happen here are by Muslim terrorists? How often are you or your family attacked by Muslims? When was the last time you or a neighbor were robbed by a Muslim? Sexually assaulted? What should we do with Muslims?

Whenever you are ready

Be well


PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:00 pm 
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Americans have to get real about what is going on with Muslims in America. Basically the mosques built here are being funded by Islamic countries and a certain percentage of them are radicalized. This has been going on for 30 or 40 years. The big plan is for them to take over America because they ultimately view anyone who is not Muslim as an enemy of Allah. The West is in a war with ISIS, but it refuses to treat Muslims like the enemy or even a potential enemy.

God is the uncaused cause of the universe. He had no beginning and has no end. He is not bound by the laws of the universe he created.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:02 pm 
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Drake LaRrieta wrote:
Americans have to get real about what is going on with Muslims in America. Basically the mosques built here are being funded by Islamic countries and a certain percentage of them are radicalized. This has been going on for 30 or 40 years. The big plan is for them to take over America because they ultimately view anyone who is not Muslim as an enemy of Allah. The West is in a war with ISIS, but it refuses to treat Muslims like the enemy or even a potential enemy.


Be well


PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:09 pm 
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Regular Reader wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
Elijah Muhammad used black empowerment as a vehicle for recruitment of blacks into Islam.

I think you have that backward.

No. Muhammad always called Islam the "Black man's religion". The main distinction being that it wasn't the Christianity forced upon Blacks or Black slaves in this country to keep us subservient. Black empowerment/knowledge of self was always first in the old days.

I understand that Christianity is considered the slavemaster's religion, but I think Elijah Muhammad used the religious component simply as a way to instill discipline/structure/pride. Also, it's pretty cool to declare yourself a prophet. :lol:

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:24 pm 
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I'm going to bounce from the spot for awhile but I will be back at some point to argue with you about this hoops stuff again. Playoffs have been great this season. See ya up the road.

I'm out.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:28 pm 
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Nas wrote:
Nas wrote:
Juiced wrote:
Sir Loin Of Beef wrote:
Nas wrote:
Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

It is sad that ignorance and fear rule a great part of the American citizenry.

I think the victims of the terrorist attacks in the US would disagree with you. How is it ignorant to recognize a threat and try to protect your loved ones? It is ignorant to ignore what is happening around you and pretend it doesn't exist.

What is happening? How many of the tens of thousands of murders that happen here are by Muslim terrorists? How often are you or your family attacked by Muslims? When was the last time you or a neighbor were robbed by a Muslim? Sexually assaulted? What should we do with Muslims?

Whenever you are ready

Whenever you come up with a real point. Saying just because it has not happened to my family is a reason to ignore it, is not rational.

Am I suppose to wait until it gets to be like Paris where women are getting gang raped in the streets and suicide bombers are blowing up the local theatre?

Is it socially acceptable to talk about it then? Stop saying Muslims when we are talking about EXTREME RADICAL MUSLIMS. Why is it so hard to separate the two?

The Doctor Of Style wrote:
Caleb Williams isn't really a "true" rookie because he turned 23 late into his 1st season in the NFL!"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:32 pm 
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One of the best kids I coached was Muslim. He was more of the Christmas/Easter Catholic type when it came to religion. He has had to move basically 300 miles from home to live a normal wife away from Religion. If he stayed around here he would be under constant pressure to assimilate.

Frank Coztansa wrote:
conns7901 wrote:
Not over yet.
Yes it is.

CDOM wrote:
When this is all over, which is not going to be for a while, Trump will be re-elected President.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:38 pm 
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Juiced wrote:
Nas wrote:
Nas wrote:
Juiced wrote:
Sir Loin Of Beef wrote:
Nas wrote:
Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

It is sad that ignorance and fear rule a great part of the American citizenry.

I think the victims of the terrorist attacks in the US would disagree with you. How is it ignorant to recognize a threat and try to protect your loved ones? It is ignorant to ignore what is happening around you and pretend it doesn't exist.

What is happening? How many of the tens of thousands of murders that happen here are by Muslim terrorists? How often are you or your family attacked by Muslims? When was the last time you or a neighbor were robbed by a Muslim? Sexually assaulted? What should we do with Muslims?

Whenever you are ready

Whenever you come up with a real point. Saying just because it has not happened to my family is a reason to ignore it, is not rational.

Am I suppose to wait until it gets to be like Paris where women are getting gang raped in the streets and suicide bombers are blowing up the local theatre?

Is it socially acceptable to talk about it then? Stop saying Muslims when we are talking about EXTREME RADICAL MUSLIMS. Why is it so hard to separate the two?

You haven't made a point beyond saying we should be afraid of Muslims. Now you are pushing more fear and hate. How do we recognize EXTREME RADICAL MUSLIMS? You still haven't told us what we need to do beyond fearing Muslims.

Be well


PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:40 pm 
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Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Regular Reader wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
Elijah Muhammad used black empowerment as a vehicle for recruitment of blacks into Islam.

I think you have that backward.

No. Muhammad always called Islam the "Black man's religion". The main distinction being that it wasn't the Christianity forced upon Blacks or Black slaves in this country to keep us subservient. Black empowerment/knowledge of self was always first in the old days.

I understand that Protestantism is considered the slavemaster's religion, but I think Elijah Muhammad used the religious component simply as a way to instill discipline/structure/pride. Also, it's pretty cool to declare yourself a prophet. :lol:


Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
The victims are the American People and the Republic itself.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:46 pm 
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Juiced wrote:
Sir Loin Of Beef wrote:
Nas wrote:
Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

It is sad that ignorance and fear rule a great part of the American citizenry.

I think the victims of the terrorist attacks in the US would disagree with you. How is it ignorant to recognize a threat and try to protect your loved ones? It is ignorant to ignore what is happening around you and pretend it doesn't exist.

You, like a few people on here, are sadly ignorant of Muslims in general. There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. They all do not adhere to extremist views.
Also, let's stop talking about Islam. This guy was a nut who once claimed to be a member of Hizbollah and al-Qeada.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:51 pm 
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Freedom is our Strength.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:56 pm 
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Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:

According to the link that America posted there are only 2 countries that the majority of Muslims believe in "True Islam" but you all keep trying to tell everyone that ALL Muslims feel the same way. And every religion believes women and the LGBT community should have fewer rights.

Be well


PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:00 pm 
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Nas wrote:
According to the link that America posted there are only 2 countries that the majority of Muslims believe in "True Islam" but you all keep trying to tell everyone that ALL Muslims feel the same way. And every religion believes women and the LGBT community should have fewer rights.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:01 pm 
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Nas wrote:
You haven't made a point beyond saying we should be afraid of Muslims. Now you are pushing more fear and hate. How do we recognize EXTREME RADICAL MUSLIMS? You still haven't told us what we need to do beyond fearing Muslims.

You can start by acknowledging they exist when they kill 49 innocent people and listening to Homeland Security when they warn you about threats from ISIS. I am not pushing fear and hate. They do that by not standing up and denouncing ISIS or the people that carry out the terrorist acts.

If Muslims don't want to be feared, then they need to stand up to the people in their religion that are causing the fear. When a religion says they want you dead unless you assimilate, I listen to the warning.

If I join the KKK are you going to judge me based on my actions toward you or would you form an option about me based on the organization I aligned myself with?

The Doctor Of Style wrote:
Caleb Williams isn't really a "true" rookie because he turned 23 late into his 1st season in the NFL!"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:11 pm 
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Nas wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:

According to the link that America posted there are only 2 countries that the majority of Muslims believe in "True Islam" but you all keep trying to tell everyone that ALL Muslims feel the same way. And every religion believes women and the LGBT community should have fewer rights.

I think you're missing the point. I don't give a fuck what "True Islam" is. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't exist. I have no problem with anyone's crazy religious beliefs as long as they remain inside their own fucking homes.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:16 pm 
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America wrote:
Nas wrote:
According to the link that America posted there are only 2 countries that the majority of Muslims believe in "True Islam" but you all keep trying to tell everyone that ALL Muslims feel the same way. And every religion believes women and the LGBT community should have fewer rights.


Point being?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:16 pm 
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Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:

According to the link that America posted there are only 2 countries that the majority of Muslims believe in "True Islam" but you all keep trying to tell everyone that ALL Muslims feel the same way. And every religion believes women and the LGBT community should have fewer rights.

I think you're missing the point. I don't give a fuck what "True Islam" is. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't exist. I have no problem with anyone's crazy religious beliefs as long as they remain inside their own fucking homes.

I agree. I have no problem with the KKK believing what they do as long as they aren't doing things that have an impact on the lives of others.

Be well


PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:17 pm 
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Juiced wrote:
Nas wrote:
You haven't made a point beyond saying we should be afraid of Muslims. Now you are pushing more fear and hate. How do we recognize EXTREME RADICAL MUSLIMS? You still haven't told us what we need to do beyond fearing Muslims.

You can start by acknowledging they exist when they kill 49 innocent people and listening to Homeland Security when they warn you about threats from ISIS. I am not pushing fear and hate. They do that by not standing up and denouncing ISIS or the people that carry out the terrorist acts.

If Muslims don't want to be feared, then they need to stand up to the people in their religion that are causing the fear. When a religion says they want you dead unless you assimilate, I listen to the warning.

If I join the KKK are you going to judge me based on my actions toward you or would you form an option about me based on the organization I aligned myself with?

They do stand up and denounce. The problem is Islamophobia drowns their words out.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:21 pm 
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Juiced wrote:
Nas wrote:
You haven't made a point beyond saying we should be afraid of Muslims. Now you are pushing more fear and hate. How do we recognize EXTREME RADICAL MUSLIMS? You still haven't told us what we need to do beyond fearing Muslims.

You can start by acknowledging they exist when they kill 49 innocent people and listening to Homeland Security when they warn you about threats from ISIS. I am not pushing fear and hate. They do that by not standing up and denouncing ISIS or the people that carry out the terrorist acts.

If Muslims don't want to be feared, then they need to stand up to the people in their religion that are causing the fear. When a religion says they want you dead unless you assimilate, I listen to the warning.

If I join the KKK are you going to judge me based on my actions toward you or would you form an option about me based on the organization I aligned myself with?

You are pushing fear and hate. You're going to have a hard time convincing any reasonable person that you aren't.

As far as the bolded portion is concerned I've answered it many times. I don't care if you hate me because I am not white. As long as your actions don't have a negative effect on the lives of those you hate I will never have an issue with you.

Be well


PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:22 pm 
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Sir Loin Of Beef wrote:
Juiced wrote:
Nas wrote:
You haven't made a point beyond saying we should be afraid of Muslims. Now you are pushing more fear and hate. How do we recognize EXTREME RADICAL MUSLIMS? You still haven't told us what we need to do beyond fearing Muslims.

You can start by acknowledging they exist when they kill 49 innocent people and listening to Homeland Security when they warn you about threats from ISIS. I am not pushing fear and hate. They do that by not standing up and denouncing ISIS or the people that carry out the terrorist acts.

If Muslims don't want to be feared, then they need to stand up to the people in their religion that are causing the fear. When a religion says they want you dead unless you assimilate, I listen to the warning.

If I join the KKK are you going to judge me based on my actions toward you or would you form an option about me based on the organization I aligned myself with?

They do stand up and denounce. The problem is Islamophobia drowns their words out.

I posted a link in this thread yesterday of a Muslim leader saying that terrorist groups don't speak for all Muslims.

Be well


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