good dolphin wrote:
Dear Management,
I have recently become aware that a certain word defined as "a large number" is being capitalized by default whenever it is typed into this site.
I don't care if SOME want to play the game, as petty as I might find it. Have your fun wherever you can find it.
I don't want to be participant.
I request that Management remove the default of capitalizing the word. This still allows SOME to capitalize it for the amusement of the board as they see fit while not forcing those with more refined senses of humor to be included in these shenanigans.
If you do not heed my request I will bitch for months and reference it in every section of this board.
your old pal,
good dolphin
Dear good dolphin,
MANY people appeared to feel the same way, therefore, we decided to grant your request.
Speak for yourself.
Nest time, let the little whiner send a PM.