Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
You seem like a good guy. You certainly don't come across as a hammerhead cop. Still, you seem to be suggesting the public is at fault for the environment rather than police forces that are becoming more and more militarized and less a part of their communities everyday.
The thing is, if you had been out there during the Laquan McDonald shooting I have to believe your report would have been the same as all the other guys'. I wouldn't blame you for that. And I don't think that makes you a bad person. But it does make the police force a bad institution.
You talk about the public "hating on" the police. It's a two way street. And I'd suggest those feelings are a lot stronger on the part of the police. There are plenty of citizens who support you. Many have spoken in this very thread. But I don't know any cops who don't have the feeling that the people they are supposed to be serving and protecting are on an opposing "team".
I don't know what I would do in the Laquan McDonald situation. I have a hard time believing all the bosses and detective didn't review the video before making a statement. I don't know what went wrong there. It wasn't really that good of shoot. The video was eventually going to come out. So why they let it get out of control I do not know. I do know McCarthy immediately put him on desk duty. So someone obviously got it right.
I think it's great we can have this discussion. It's civilized, it's well thought out and well meaning. The "discussion" I keep hearing about on The Score is incredibly lopsided. They're arguing that people need to "come closer to the middle." When they're so far left, that they've blinded themselves. Every time I listen to Speigel and Goff or Bernstein I can hear them and how much they despise of the police. Goff spewing his reckless thoughts and just saying , "yeah, yeah, police brutality" and making jokes, "I saw police and thought I was going to be shot in the back 16 times." That shit is not funny, it's hurtful and disrespectful. Someone with the reach of an audience he has needs to be more careful with the things he says. Then you have Bernstein using the St Louis Rams "hands up don't shoot" narrative still when it was proven false in..THE COURT OF LAW -Bernstein's favorite place.
I do want a discussion about police. But it has to be meaningful and not 2 sides yelling at each other. That, and you can't blame the police for all your problems. You want to start somewhere, start with our government.
Also, I read this today. Really interesting ... .tz8p25z5m