this is exactly no different than distribution of cocaine, marijuana or whatever. producer and main peddler make about a 500% return on investment. ... 30-n642091Quote:
A third expert pegs Mylan's cost even lower, at about $20. Kevin Deane, head of medical technologies for PA Consulting Group, a global technology and design firm that sold a drug delivery technology company to Pfizer in 2004, told NBC News that the base components for each EpiPen, including the plastic cap, tube, and needle, might cost between $2 to $4 to purchase. Pharmacists contacted by NBC estimate that the epinephrine inside costs less than $1.
Estimated gross profit per $600 epipen 2-pack: Mylan $274. Insurer $249. PBM $40. Pharmacist $27. Wholesaler $10. Source: Pembroke Consulting
and yet you still get people who think universal healthcare would have these cost overruns higher. they simply wouldn't, because there would be oversight to keep these prices in SOMEWHAT of a check. right now, this is pure free market, and people's lives are at risk.