Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
long time guy wrote:
I defy you to find anything where Hillary Clinton is calling for a birth certificate or questioning whether Obama was born here
She was more subtle than that. What do you think the point of that picture was?
Why say she? Did Hillary send an email? Did Hillary say she doesn't think Obama was born in America? Did she say he was an Affirmative Action student? Did she demand his birth certificate and college transcripts? Did she question if his birth certificate was authentic? Did she claim to have some investigators that had found some unbelievable things? Did she claim that he was responsible for the death of someone who signed Obama's birth certificate? Did she dismiss anyone who claimed that Obama's birth certificate was real? Was she proud of the fact that our first black president was shamed into proving he was American? Did it take her 6 years and some political pressure to disingenuously say that our president of the past 7 years is an American? Give me a fucking break with all of this Hillary is the same as Trump crap.
Who has ever said "Hillary is the same as Trump"? But the truth is, their presidencies will likely be very similar.
Anyway, you're kidding yourself if you really believe that Hillary Clinton isn't fully in control of everything her campaigns do. She allowed her campaign to raise all kinds of questions about Obama. Sure, she gets up there and yells at people how terrible it is. Do you really think there's anything sincere about Clinton? I know you're smarter than that. Her campaign ops weren't putting out that picture without her full backing. And then she acts like Sylvester the Cat when he has Tweety Bird in his mouth. She's as phony as they come. She hate Obama with a passion. And he hates her fucking guts. I wouldn't be surprised if both Obamas secretly voted for Trump, or at least Gary Johnson.
She was NOT questioning if he was American. Even the email that was sent wasn't questioning if he was American. Even if you believe that #IncompetentHillary is in control of everything staffers are doing (despite not being able to stop her husband from sabotaging her campaign) at no point was his place of birth questioned. What Hillary and MANY others did was play on the fear of him being a Muslim.
I don't personally like Hillary. I have seriously said that MANY times the past 12 years. I respect the hell out of her for playing the game the way she has. Despite my personal feelings there is absolutely nothing that tells me President Trump and President Hillary Clinton will be similar.
There is no doubt the Clinton's and the Obama's hate one another. I'm confident that the Obama's hate Trump more.