Yes...Rambo. The fourth installment in the Rambo series...4 sequels away from Taking Manhattan...and only one sequel away from The Beginning...
Rambo: Roid Rage, is a somber piece of action/drama that really puts to print the agony of living in Burma. John Rambo, living emo-ly in Thailand, finding snakes for snake charmers and what not, is approached by Christian missionaries who know they can change the world with the word of God, and because there is a hot chick involved, Rambo is no match. While he may be pumping roids, the idea of pumping a female supersedes his idea of using his manliness to find pythons and cobras for cheap thrills for American tourists. But because in the beginning of the film, there is a genocide in Burma, we are all awaiting the savior! And we MUST know that Rambo will come through.
And he DOES. Yes, Sarah, the damsel in distress, is captured, along with the other missionaries of God, and Rambo has no choice...after a series of painful flashbacks of John Rambo taking this order and delivering that order (some would say, EXECUTIVE ORDERS!)...he MUST save the people. Because he MUST save the HOT CHICK even though she is with someone already.
There is a chemistry between the two. They even have a "What is" argument about life. What is important, what does it really mean? What is "IS"???? All these answers and less are ANSWERED in "Rambo".
Many body parts fly in a chorus line--much CGI blood and limb is lost. But in the end, RAMBO is there...fighting and always. You can always count on RAMBO. To KICK--YOUR--ASS. Especially if you are into GENOCIDE AND RAPE.
An actual movie review...just didn't seem right. This had to be as over the top as the movie itself. I mean, it hearkens back to the good old days in the mid to late 80's when the Vietnam war was trivialized in many action/drama/adventures...this almost has that spirit--but I think Stallone was ACTUALLY trying to make a point with this film about killing and character--and he just doesn't have enough in himself to make a compelling argument. But, the last 30 minutes of this film will make up for any problems you have logically, rationally, allegorically, or critically--because it's just that awesome to see that many bad guys killed in record time. Colonel John Matrix. Meet your Match. His name...IS JOHN RAMBO
Movie itself:
I hope that this review helps you in your decision to see this movie. Good night.