long time guy wrote:
Seacrest wrote:
long time guy wrote:
SomeGuy wrote:
long time guy wrote:
This is much to do about nothing. She exercised bad judgment and that is about it. If they have something run it but this non stop email witch hunt really makes the FBI look bad. The Comey dude is trying to save face.
Of course you think it's nothing!
You have been claiming that Comey is partisan for a week, and now appear to be happy that he is partisan.
Are you that obtuse or do you really have no idea what a shill you truly look like?
You don't have a clue about anything. It's rough man and it requires way to much effort. You sound rather foolish and to keep on with the keep on is tripling and quadrupling down on idiocy. At least I own the fact that I support Hillary. You have no credibility (as do many others)because you can't even admit that you are a "Never Trumper".
Comey had nothing yet leaked information as if he did. You don't see a problem with that. Others do thank god.
Shane is all you really have for a response.
I'm still troubled that he let Sandy Berger off when he should have lost his law license. Something you didn't know until you were informed of that today.
Or the fact that he made sure Scooter Libby didn't get away with he did either. Something else you were unaware of until you were told about it.
I'm waiting for your response to the fake "wikis" Hillary mentioned. Should be original as everything else you have posted.
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
The victims are the American People and the Republic itself.