long time guy wrote:
As this election year winds down I think it is fitting that we bid adieu to Never Trumpers. This is the group that just can't bring themselves to ever criticize Trump for anything. This is the group that always searches for false equivalencies and obfuscations. This is the group that just can't ever seem to address any issue directly related to Trump. This is the group that has eagerly awaited for that other proverbial shoe to drop yet just can't admit that they support Trump. This is group that is loathe to admit that they support Trump even though you never quite hear them say anything negative about him. This is the group that has defended him at every turn regardless of the issue. This is the group that will stretch every situation as to include Hillary Clinton. This is the group that readily admits that he can't win yet just can't seem to stop searching for the rather elusive "pathway to victory" for him.
To you Never Trumpers I bid a good night and good luck. Godspeed to all.
The Hawk wrote:
This is going to reach a head pretty soon.