Nas wrote:
Sounds like bullshit. There was ZERO chance Hillary would lose Virginia.
honetly, how would we know? you gotta admit that the media has a vested interest in making every election seem like it's a super-close / down-to-the-wire affair all the way up until election night cuz they want $$$RATINGS$$$ $$$RATINGS$$$ $$$RATINGS$$$.
and then you can ask any drug dealer what type of customer is the best customer (a return customer) and figure that outside of a one-time-ratings-thing that maximizing any and all election content = more people feel compelled to watch = more people end up developing a habit watching your shitty channel = even if it was common knowledge to anyone with a brain to think [with] that hilldog was gonna easily win this shit with like ~58-62% of the vote (you know, the general consensus of REALLY. SMART. PEOPLE. who only consume PROPER/ESTEEMED/ESTABLISHED news/media sources instead of "fringy racist alt-right bullshit" = that hillary was gonna win this easy and trump never had a real chance because "trump supporters" were these mythic creatures that all these middle class bourgeois hear stories about in their trailer parks out in bumblefuck wisconsin and armpit nebraska, and they only vote trump because basically [they're somewhere between stupid and retarded]"
AHEM. but yeah, you go to those alt-right sites and it's been like "trump is winning this easy. all these ppl dont realize that trump's really gonna win? ahhahaha" --- so moreso than any other election this election here has people going to their preferred "news/information" outlets of choice and getting the re-affirming news they wanna hear (i.e. "dont worry good updstanding normie, the world isnt batshit crazy yet so of course the only REAL candidate, hillary, will win this easy // versus // "this is so amazing... look at bill clinton's face during the debate! trump destroyed her even worse than last time! -- meanwhile you come to a thread here during the debate or turn on WGN radio right after the debate and the first things ppl say are "wow trump really looked horrible tonight!" --- it's truly "cafeteria infomatisia" if you will)
TLDR = can we really trust anything that any media outlet on any side nywhere says about this election, since they're basically only putting out ?able-at-best poll #s that are out there to try and keep us hooked to the continuing narrative of hilldog vs trump aka crazy wtf vs treasonous bitch? aka giant douche vs turd sandwich? --- in the end all this election coverage is designed to just hook us and then keep reeling us in for more and more until electron night, with the big/ger picture hopes being that the election process helped us find some new/enjoyable media outlets/companies to inform us, so we end up sticking with them out of habit after the electionREAL TLDR = seriously, isn't all of this shit fake anyways? i really really don't beLIEve that our votes count for anything more than who's gonna be the next american idol (and even that's gotta be rigged cuz i mean.... comeon. it's all entertainment) ---- so basically the "voting" part = feelgood and in the end this "election" is just a giant 1-2 year sacrosanct process where all the media companies jockey and jostle to try and get you to buy into their bullshit ad infinitum going forward thanks to their "quality coverge of this here 2016 presidential election!!!TLDR TLDR = seriously, at the end of the day none of this shit matters cuz the real politician is going to win in the end (because if anything the whole "women supporting women" angle = "trump card" if you will
and this stuff like OMFG VIRGINIA MIGHT GO TRUMP = just another little billboard along the infotainment superhighway that is our veritable ARG of a mass/media nowadays?
aka LOLHILLARYWINS (duh) riiiiight?seriously disregard all my babble up there.... #real talk... it's been fun to LARP (live action role play) like we live in some potentially-awesome dystopian universe where donald trump can actually be (allowed to be?) president, right? i mean hillary HAS to win this because if nothing else 2016 has shot it's miracle wad with the cubs winning the world championship, right?
maybe if the cubs winning the world series = breaking a seal of the apocalypse then trump being elected president = breaking another seal of the apocalypse..... but at the end of the night i know you lot are like "man who had to go and break a few seals of the sinicalypse cuz this guy is pretty fucking wasted so he needs to STFU and stop typing all that crap that nobody want to read while he has a shred of dignity left, right?
THE PRECEDING POST WAS SPONSORED BY: THAT BOTTLE OF WINE LEFT IN MY HOUSE BY THE WINE-OH AUNT. surprisingly effective since..... shit, 8 hours ago? wtf am i doing with my life, eh?
TLDR TLDR TLDR TLDR = LOLHILLARYWINS, right? please tell me the world isn't going to pot.... or if it technically is then it's just because ""they"" legalized weed everywhere as a tradeoff for TPP/SJWs/WW3/SHTF/FEMA/other-acronyms-of-doom. riiiiight? =D
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?