chaspoppcap wrote:
I rail against Muslims because their values are not compatible with modern society and they want to either enslave or kill me.
I don't want to pass over it , it should be discussed but it should not and can not be the only thing you talk about. Are you that stupid?
I feel sorry for the people you work with ,as I said if I worked with you and you where like this you would be in front of HR for disrupting the workplace. You know what is fucking sad? The current President spent an hour in a press conference today, his first time talking to the press since the election and the prick did not mention/try to stop the unrest. Yeah,he deserved the Peace Prize he got. The race black vs white thing is a manufacture from the 1% to keep us divided and at each others throat so we do not come together and take back our country from them fucks,ie Rothchilds,Clintons,Rockefellers,Morgans and on. It is because of people like you and Steve who fall into the racial trap and feed upon it that this country is fucked as it is.
Racial trap? The racial trap was manufactured by Trump and actually promoted by people like you. On an innumerable amount of occasions you have stereotyped blacks. You actually have made statements which are similar to Trump though you don't believe that you are a racist. I don't know you in "real life" nor do I care to. If you were President I'd be forced to pay attention.
That is what buffoons like you don't understand. He is the President. If he were still just the CEO of Trump inc. It would not matter. He isn't. He is now the symbol of what this country stands for. He introduced racism not me or anyone else that has a problem with it.
I don't expect you to have much of a problem with his racism. He is not a threat to you. He is a threat to blacks however. Is he going to throw them back in slavery? no. Is he going to resurrect Jim Crow? No. Is he going to help perpetuate the racial and ethnic divide in this country? Very much likely.
You don't see that as a problem and I am really not surprised as to why.
As far as people that I work with I have a very good relationship with them
I'm not a race baiter at all and I socialize with blacks and whites. Actually I was responsible for organizing our social outings for precisely that purpose.
You are so ignorant that Nas just told you that I have been critical of blacks also but that seemed to fly right past you. I'm anything but an apologist and in fact I thought it was wrong for blacks to vote for Obama simply because he was a black guy running for President. I thought we should have looked at his political history first and see if there was anything which spoke to the interests of blacks in there.
I actually believed that it was inappropriate and may lead to a situation where whites would do the same. I hate identity politics. I didn't support Hillary Clinton because she was to be the first woman President I voted for her because she some history of helping disenfranchised people.
I also appreciated the fact that she had a rather loose affiliation with the Black Panther trial of the seventies. You also believed that the Black Panthers were terrorists. Damn you truly are ignorant.
The Hawk wrote:
This is going to reach a head pretty soon.