Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
FavreFan wrote:
Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
denisdman wrote:
KDdidit wrote:
Also Dennis prefers teachers paid less than Union equivalents.
My preference is for teachers who teach better than their union equivalents. And on that point, I am happy to report that my preference has been universally fulfilled.
Wow. just wow. I didn't see this coming. JORR was right.
Please elaborate on this thought if you are able to. Thank you.
There's not much to elaborate on. Unless I am reading him wrong it seems that Den is essentially saying private school teachers are better than "union equivalents". I thought JORRs initial post was absurd but now I'm not so sure.
I don't make any false assumptions. If you read all my thoughts and avoid the thoughts that people falsely attribute to me, you'll see my overall opinion. Several pages back I gave an entire list of reasons why private schools are better.
Public school teachers are in a no win situation. They are hemmed between apathetic parents and an adminstration that is not pulling in the same direction. Now richer school districts can throw unlimited money at the problem and overcome the inherent problems with the way public school districts function.
Private schools would die for a true voucher system. Enrollment has been dropping and christian schools continue to close. Most private schools have lots of low income kids. 25% of the kids at our school do not pay tuition because of need. Their costs are covered by donations. We are not attached to a church that covers the cost. It is made up by other parents. The school is very diversified owing to its Elgin location. Both of my kids' first boy/girlfriend were from another race. I am glad we raised our kids to view all people as equal.
I made the comment about teachers because a few had decided that my opinions were an attempt at union busting. That's what it always boils down to for people wedded to the current system. Do you think CPS goes into negotiations with the kids best interest in mind? When Rahm wanted to increase the country's shortest school day by 30 minutes, what was CPS' response? It wasn't, that sounds great for better educating poor kids. Now I don't think Rahm or Rauner have kids' best interest in mind either.
See, I am an equal opportunity hater. With private schools, I have a choice and a voice. With public schools, the taxpayers have almost no control. Don't read this as hating on union back teachers. They've been fucked over and shit on too. The whole system is broken and under funded. And don't even get me started how the teacher pension problem was created by fiscally irresponsible politicians, and now the teachers get screwed there too.