Like clock-work!
Almost like there was a segment in our government elitist structure ready to drop this. The UniParty at work again, but hey, Russia, Russia, Trump, Breitbart, Putin, Stalin, whatever, look over there! Interesting that all of this, the whole push, has been done in lock step with the old media class and globalist, anti-American politicians from both parties.
--Obama was pushing for something like this (and it will only get worse from here on out because this piece of shit Absentee President is not going anywhere, he's made that quite clear) when he pressed the start button on the "Fake News!" propaganda campaign. Wanted to put all "information" through a "truth detector" to filter out all the "bad stuff." Hillary says "Fake News" is a grave threat to us all and something must be done "immediately!" All the actual "Fake News Networks" are, in unison, pushing the narrative as well. Like everyone is reading from the same script and executing scripted plays drawn up in the recent past. Although no one has, yet, told us what "Fake News!" actually is. The examples given were clickbait "Articles" written by bots or kids in Romania to get ad revenue. I guess the Pope endorsing Trump or Aliens Helping Trump or 20 pictures you must see before voting for Trump swayed the election. Phew, good thing the government is on my side and keeping me safe!
--Google, Facebook and the other tech giants are now forming a conglomerate to help "protect" us from "Fake News" and to "curate" what we get to see. I would bet a few bucks that the technology for this will look eerily similar to what Facebook is deploying in China to help the Communist government there crack down, imprison, torture and murder people who think a little differently. Sounds fun!
--Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill in the NDAA
"Promotes coordinated strategy to defend America, Allies against propaganda and disinformation from Russia, China, and others.". It establishes the Center for Information Analysis and Response. This Center would
"lead and coordinate the collection and analysis of information on foreign govt information warfare efforts". Funded through a $20 million dollar grant/contract which would be gifted to civil society service groups, journalists/propagandists, NGOs, Federally Funded R&D, private companies(what the fuck?!), and academic institutions.
Translation: This Center for Information Analysis and Response would, alone, decide which information is "valid" and which is "propaganda" and would thereby be censored, banned and filtered. So an official Ministry of Truth. All slipped in and quietly put through in the NDAA. What sites and publications would be targeted? Hmmmm.........
There it is, folks. The elites and all of their friends did not want anyone but Hillary Clinton or her Republican analog to win the Presidency. The status quo was to be maintained. It didn't happen and now this is doubling down on getting back control of the outlets of information and it's fucking scary. If "they" will go so far as to directly attack and attempt to devalue and discredit America's very own electoral process and democratic foundations what else is in the pipeline? So, while you read poorly written, innuendo soaked narrative shaping tripe that comes from unverified, unnamed sources (and not even bothering to question it at all, instead just letting yourself be spoon fed) perhaps you should turn your attention away from the bright, flashing neon lights and on to something that matters. Add all of the above togehter...the Tech Giants Information Filter, The Elites moving in lockstep and moving fast, the PMCP...does that sound good to you? Remember the good old halcyon days when Trump was the one that was going to turn the USA into a communist dictatorship and control the media and put people in gas chambers? Oh man, those were the days, comrade!
Ask yourself this..."Who really stands to lose by altering the status quo?" and "What was at stake and why would a group of people do such things to win?"
SomeGuy thinks that you know the answer. Uncomfortable as it may be.
Peace be with you, friends.