hey tall midget: i don't know you, i've never known you, but i've noticed over the years that you really don't like me and aren't shy to admit that. fair play to that (and the people who PM'd me like DUDE SINI YOU KNOW HE'S SOME COLLEGE TEACHER IN NEW YORK!!! HE'S NOT A TWO BIT IDIOT LIKE UR SAYING!!!") but hey, if you're gonna name my grandfather and go in on me using everything you strangely seem to remember off the top of your head about me (funny that despite 45-75k posts here i couldn't tell you a goddamn thing about speeps other than his name is chris or something, but hey you know, there i go again thinking that quality posters post things worth remembering. i'mma get 5150'd if i keep up that belief) ---- so how about we trade facebook pages so i can get a whiff of what you've got going in your life so i can "return serve" and pick apart all of your bullshit?!
of course you won't do it, likely citiing something about my insanity along with some pedantic lesson like "if you dont want people to talk about your life then don't talk about it on the internet" [you are supposed;y a teacher after all] but hey i think that'd be fair. you have all this knowledge about me and i literally had to have people PM me to tell me anything about you.... how about you give me a chance to take a look at your life and return serve? i think that'd be fair if you wanna keep on keeping on with stuff that drags my grandfather into this.
Tall Midget wrote:
sinicalypse wrote:
And hey, per usual in my life when ppl come after me it takes ~3-5ppl. Gee I wonder why
Because it takes that many people to read most of your self-aggrandizing but completely unoriginal and utterly pointless posts, which coincidentally also function as the perfect metaphor for your existence?
and your words are as hollow as your life buddy. especially the unoriginal part? holy shit who's posting style/steez am i copying here when i post? i mean, people who i don't even know (you) are locked and loaded with all this ad hominem that they're perpetually itching and twitching to unload on me whenever they get an excuse, and now i'm an unoriginal hack poster who says nothing worth reading? THEN HOW DO YOU KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT ME AND MY LIFE SITUATION?!?!? someone detonate the irony nuke please.
(best part = calling me an unoriginal pointless hack poster in defense of terry's peeps?
THE unoriginal pointless hack poster to end all unoriginal pointless hack posters here? LOL! =)
holy shit dude, you know, there's a reason why shady people from some secret society/alphabet soup used to fuck with me IRL and alls you can do is muster up some decent vocab and smart-sounding terms to try and tell me how much i suck. and i personally think that reason is that whenever you read something decent by me you're reminded of how simple and plain you are in comparison so it ends up like "i'm jealous that even tho i'm literally a collegiate professor i can't be even 1/25th as interesting as a [piece of shit loser] like sini"
and hey, if i'm this [delusional. i was gonna say interesting or something like that] and i'm nothing in life.... just imagine how fun it'll be when i actually do things. i think part of the reason i piqued the interest of those odd/shady ppl who used to interrupt my saturday nights out with the homeless on michigan ave = because i figured out what i was capable of a long long time ago.... but i never went for it. i never tried. i was having too much fun pissing off winners like you.
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?