Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
I always thought it was station.
that's because it WAS station. terry came up with it when he started mockingly calling bernstein "FOTS" after north left.
my additions:
the beginning of this song was the peak laurence holmes intro/nickname (what do you think put the "THAT" in "BINGO THAT" ??)300k - speaking of laurence, ask dr ken about that one.
does "pantsless cretin" count as C/S/FMB cuz when bernstein said it he was pretty much referring to this board?
"mcnuggets" - something about broken promises / politics as usual? see "where's my shirt?" =P
2005 = self-explanatory. i mean, obviously it's a concept that goes beyond the board but odds are if you just blurted out "2005" to someone without 100%/proper context they'd just look at you funny. if you blurt out "2005" on this board everyone knows what you mean.
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?