Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
This isn't the first time you've been accused of a mass shooting, right?
yeah that NIU business on valentines day 2008. on feb 15th i get a call from a friend like "have you gone online today?" and i'm like "no" so he's like "well go online then... and have fun" -- this was the day of dialup, so i dialup... go online, and myspace was the social networking site du jour so when i log into it i see i have like 2000-5000 views and something like 40 new messages and 68 new comments on my myspace blog posts, which are all like FUCK YOU ASSHOLE YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS!!!!! or, of course, people from elk grove having a much-needed referendum on me.
see, it turns out that old classmate/coworker steve kazmierczak (and please note that i know how to spell his name) had snapped and killed ~5 people at NIU on valentine's day. some guy who ran a site called (people you'll see in hell) had google searched the name steve kazmierczak and stumbled across an old post on where a few years earlier i had talked about musical elitism in regards to that day at pirate's cove when steve kazmierczak came up to me brandishing a copy of aphex twin's "i care because you do" like he was down, i said that a part of me died that day because it was the first day that i had to realize i was sharing "my music" with the "on meds" type of kids.... and yeah, well dipshit saw that coming from a guy named "sinicalypse", googled "sinicalypse" and saw my then-myspace page proclaiming
I AM A GIANT DEATH ROBOT. FEAR ME. in big letters (mocking people like juice's lecture notes who kind of attribute me to be some menace to society. hell i even made
a song that told my whole fucking life story complete with an ending that's a proper middle finger to people like JLN who wanna imply i'm some kind of legit menace)
AHEM. and then that dude decided to drum up interest for his page by saying I FOUND THE NIU MASSMURDER'S MYSPACE.... HERE IT IS....
HTTP://WWW.MYSPACE.COM/SINICALYPSEso i had those ~40msgs in my myspace inbox purporting to be from CNN/Fox/AP/etc wanting an interview, i had the AP circling around my family calling all of them up trying to find me, and i ended up having to schedule an interview with the AP at maggiano's little italy in schaumburg, turning off my phone and putting it in a drawer, and hanging out barhopping around random bars in wrigleyville til ~3am before the AP got the idea that i didnt want to talk to them.... and of course the guy who ran was a total Caller Bob about his bullshit publicity stunt, basically going "yeah well you're a mental fucking fucktard so fuck you" and having his "fans" / readers agree with him....
and the best part was that in the wake of this i found some "concerned mothers" forum who had scoured my myspace, determined that i too was a "ticking time bomb" (just like juice's lecture notes here, eh?) and one person even dared to ask the question that really mattered: did pork chops push the NIU massmurderer over the edge? that's right, cuz one of the most recent blogs on my myspace was a little thing bitching about how i hate porkchop night at my grandpa's house and some "concerned mother" dared to ask: did porkchops cause all those people at NIU to die?
i like to think that they did... but that's cuz steve kazmierczak was a wannabe muslim or something =P
(for good dolphin, who made me laugh earlier in the thread)
TLDR = people like juice's lecture notes are fucking idiots. you can even ask a board luminary like darkside, i'm harmless IRL... c'est la vie no? [anything else gd? i need to hit all my caricature talking points =]
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?