Regular Reader wrote:
And for the record you sniveling asshole, I know all kinds of "normal", especially from deluded self important criminal pseudo intellectual wannabes. Or their idols, shitty public servants.
Murph wrote:
anyways, please forgive my attempt at levity in the wake of your legit (and justified) !!! --- i'm not meaning to come off like i'm trying to deny you any of those feelings or saying that perhaps they're what the british call "a bit much" -- if anything, man, it's like denzel saying "i didn't know you get wet"
and the parliament funkadelic retorts "if you can dance to what we have to live through you can dance underwater and not get wet" --- and it's equal parts amazing and sad what passes for decent scuba gear nowadays, you know what i'm saying?
in lieu of sending money cuz dan bernstein, my thoughts and prayers go out to anyone and everyone affected by those that you've lost recently double-R; god bless!
tangentially speaking, my own dumbass life-decisions have given me countless experiences to experience DWW/WWW (Driving/Walking while white) because when i'd be down in uhhh, more colorful areas of the city if any of those law-enforcing types got a load of me there was immediately some kind of negative assumption/connotation as to 1) my character and consequent worthwhileness as a "human being" 2) what i was doing in that area [and of course no matter what i said they KNEW what i was doing, hence why at least 1 or 2 times i've had to freestyle rap to try and go against what they already
know-- and even "passing that test" = of course they were still "right," they just decided that i was "one of the good ones" and they "kinda liked me" so they'd stop fucking with me-- and of course 3) most importantly, what i had on me.
and of course, some years into "my bullshit" i came to find out that just because you don't have anything [illegal] on you doesn't mean that you don't "have something [illegal] on you" because, hey, the cops
knew what you were trying to do, they just happened to run into you before you "did your thing" so therefore doing a little something to make sure you get "caught with something" = totally justified because even tho you might not technically have anything on you right now, you probably did yesterday and the last however many days before that, let alone the obvious fact that you will have something on you later/tomorrow/etc so really they're just filling in the blank with the obvious DUH and hey, they're doing society a favor because [you're you] and seriously, they might not be there to catch you [in the act] tomorrow so hey let's make this process easier for everyone involved and just get it over with today! * claps hands * the ends justifies the means, so please enjoy the free room and board at the hotel 26th & california... and #NevarForget: it's
their city and i just happened to be in it, you know what i'm saying?
so when i read all of these stories about DWB here and i hear some of these claims.... man, even if it was technically some dumbass situation that i directly caused myself, i was stil in those situations enough to know that all this kind of shit happens. when those sworn to protect and uphold the law have it out for you, especially by virtue of the color of your skin, it's easy to remember (and dear god please don't let me "find out") that they're sworn to protect
the law and not
you because all it takes is some kind of formal disparity/dichotomy of [good] "people who are supposed to be here" and [bad] "people who have no
business here" to enable a situation where those in power are able to powertrip on anyone who they see fit, assuming that said person fits into the [sarcastically-]wonderful world of institutional racism; whether that's some dumbass fiend putzing around numbered streets and/or streets named after presidents; or whether that's some random black person walking down a residential street in schaumburg-- the institutional racism provides an opportunity for would-be powertrippers to exercise their power because "they're just doing their job" in a situation where that institutional racism provides "probable cause" for said "fish/es out of water" to "be up to no good" because clearly, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and it fucks other ducks then it's obviously a duck (or at leas some new otherkin fetish undoubtedly borne of/on tumblr =)
and you know,
after saying it like that i'm kind of at a loss for words of what to say next, as i mainly just kind of wanted to pop up here and say that i can legit commiserate with people who have had to deal with the "business end" of DWB (hence why cops always live to ask what "business" you have being in that area, eh?) because man.... you know, even if at the end of the day they're technically right about some-to-most of their assumptions being correct.... when the front-lines of society's protectors decide to police everyone in such a way that it's more desirable to "nail all the bad guys" than it is to "make sure that no innocent person gets wrongfully accused", you know, writing off actual "victims" of profiling/harrassment/worse as "collateral damage" because "society's problems" are of more concern than "the rights of an innocent wo/man" -- then you create the kind of environment where you honestly can't blame people for not trusting their protectors because, example, it's worth fucking up the life of one innocent person because cutting corners (read: profiling/stop-n-frisk/aggro-shit) allowed you to easily arrest. say, thirty-six guilty ones.... then how can you say that "Black Lives Matter" if you're more worried about 36 arrests than 1 innocent life getting fucked up?
call me an idealist, but you know, aren't you supposed to be protecting 1/37 innocent people way more than you're supposed to going HAM after 36/37 people? and that's gotta be an absolute concept, cuz if you started saying "maybe if 13/37 arrests were innocent then you've got a point and we'll have to make some changes" -- then aren't you saying that the life of one person is technically worthless on its own merit? that now in the wake of actual #s you're willing to make some changes that you weren't willing to make for "just one person" because people's lives only start to matter when there's enough of them to cause
YOU problems? and then of course when you start to realize that
their (police) problems >>>
your problems then it's only natural to ask yourself "well then who are they
really protecting and serving out there?"
...and i figure that's probably one of those times where people of reasonable conscience and righteousness pick up a posterboard and start writing "BLACK LIVES MATTER" --- but if i'm wrong about this please let me know, because at the end of the day i once again have to disclaim that even tho my own personal experiences are technically "legit" it might very well be that they're only legit in a vacuum/bubble/etc of my own creation. [and dammit, this is where good dolphin got me good cuz you know what i wanna say here =]
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?