Chus wrote:
I would love to see a Venn diagram of people who are pro-gun, anti-legalization of pot, and anti-abortion. Then I would ask those people why they don't apply the "if guns are illegal, only bad guys will have guns" argument to their other positions.
Drugs are illegal, yet they are easily accessible. Overturning Roe v. Wade isn't going to eliminate abortions. It will just make them more dangerous.
Yeap, drugs and abortions are good parallels. Having them illegal doesn't work.
But guns have a different place in the debate because it is a Constitutional issue. I would argue the government has the right to make drugs illegal while it does not have the right to make guns illegal. Abortion, well that's a grey one given Roe.
Why the fuck is everyone so damned worried about everyone else? In the gun debate it makes sense because they inflict harm on other people, often innocent ones.
But abortion, drugs, and gay marriage
have minimal impact on other people.