Ugueth Will Shiv You wrote:
Somewhat related:
How important are "work friends" in relation to your job satisfaction?
I don't typically socialize too much (anymore) with my coworkers, but there are VERY few whom I can be myself around and have developed friendships with. Not to the point of hanging out outside of work, mind you. I reserve that for random anonymous message board people.
I worked the same job in the office for a few years and now I do it from home. I never really cared about work friends there outside of my boss and the other guy on my team. However, in my position, you pretty much don't want to be friends with people because they mostly just want to use you to get what they want at work. I was friendly with just about everyone though.
I do miss the interactions working from home every day though.
Even something as dumb as someone bringing in donuts for their birthday was kind of nice.
It's endless. Get to understand why Americans are fat by working in an office. There is some baked pastry brought in everyday.